What Is The Healthiest Breakfast?

Some people argue that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, this statement has been a subject of discussion, as the evidence suggests that it is not entirely true. Now, what is backed by science is that a healthy breakfast can help promote well-being. What is the healthiest breakfast?

A healthy breakfast is one that is made up of foods of high nutritional quality, such as sources of protein, fatty acids, fiber, and vitamins and minerals.   In addition, it should be taken in fair portions, as it should not exceed 25% of the daily calorie needs.

Why should we have a healthier breakfast?

The daily consumption of a healthier breakfast can offer us some advantages. According to research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition , this first meal of the day is a valid strategy to control appetite.

On the other hand, a study published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics indicates that, currently, the consumption of breakfast is associated with a higher intake of macro and micronutrients. Also, this publication suggests that it is associated with a healthier body mass index and lifestyle. Other benefits include:

  • Better cognitive function.
  • Increased intuitive perception.
  • Higher academic performance.
  • Control over daily energy intake.
  • Positive effect on the prevention of chronic diseases, including overweight, obesity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

What breakfasts are not healthy?

Sugary cereals

The big problem with breakfast is that most people tend to make it with ingredients that are unhealthy. For this reason, many fail to obtain the benefits mentioned. Here are the most common breakfast mistakes today:

  • Excess of refined carbohydrates : White bread, pastries, pastries, industrial cereals. All of these cause sugar spikes and make us hungry again a short time later. In addition, as a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition points out , in the long term they can contribute to obesity and diabetes.
  • Excess sugars, especially white sugar:  the negative effects that added sugar causes in the body are a matter of controversy. However, research published in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences suggests that it is linked to an increased risk of obesity and metabolic problems. Therefore, sugary breakfast items are not a good option.
  • Excess dairy: as  long as you do not have an intolerance, dairy can be consumed in moderation. In fact, a study published in Food and Nutrition Review found that they help meet nutrient recommendations and may protect against chronic disease. The mistake that can be made when incorporating them in breakfast is eating them in excessive amounts.
  • Ultra-processed products : sausages, fried foods, canned goods, pastries and in general any type of ultra-processed product is a bad option for breakfast and the diet in general. They not only contain large amounts of sugars and trans fats, but also chemicals that can affect health.

    How to achieve a balanced breakfast?

    For a meal to be balanced, it must contain the necessary amounts, neither more nor less, of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and vitamins and minerals. In this way, the body will digest and assimilate it properly, and we will feel that we are with energy and good humor throughout the day.

    In addition, we must try to ensure that these nutrients are of the highest possible quality. This is feasible if natural and fresh foods are always chosen over those that are processed.

    Foods that should be at breakfast

    Breakfast with apples, cereal and fruit

    The foods that should be part of breakfast are those that make a significant contribution of all essential nutrients.

    However, it is convenient to choose them from the hand of a nutritionist, since the professional can guide us according to our needs. Some recommended options are.

    • Whole grains : the most common is oatmeal in flakes, which we can eat raw, as if it were a muesli, or cooked. If we prefer a sandwich, we will choose quality breads, made with whole wheat flour, spelled, rye, etc.
    • Vegetable drinks : for example, oatmeal, rice, spelled, etc.
    • Easily digestible dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fresh cheese are included here.
    • Nuts without frying or roasting: we can eat them raw, ground or chopped; they provide us with vegetable protein.
    • Fresh and seasonal fruit : if possible, also organic.
    • Raw sunflower, sesame, flax or pumpkin seeds: we can also take their oil from the first cold pressing.
    • Natural fruit and vegetable juices.

    Examples of healthier breakfast

    With these breakfasts, you will be able to enjoy a delicious first daily meal and, more importantly, you will not lack any nutrients :

    • Spelled whole wheat bread sandwich with hummus (chickpea cream) and cottage cheese.
    • Whole wheat toast with mayonnaise and avocado.
    • Fruit and nut smoothie.
    • Muesli with kefir.
    • Apple with prunes, yogurt and walnuts.
    • Vegetable drink with whole grains and cocoa.
    • Oat flakes cooked with vegetable drink, cinnamon and pear.
    • Cottage cheese with honey, hazelnuts and banana.

    With these guidelines in mind, we can create a healthier breakfast quickly and without spending too much. However, when in doubt, it is best to seek advice from a nutrition professional.

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