What Is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare skin disease that also affects the mucous membranes. The skin has very painful sores and blisters. Its severity reaches the point of preventing swallowing or breathing.

Although its presence is more noticeable when this type of lesion appears in the mouth, eyes or in another part of the body that is exposed, it is extremely annoying when it appears on the mucous membranes. It is then that everyday actions such as swallowing or breathing can turn into real torture.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome symptoms

When we treat Stevens-Johnson syndrome we are not only referring to a skin problem that produces a series of lesions also in the mucous membranes. This disease affects the general well-being of the body.

A person with Stevens-Johnson syndrome may begin to develop a small sore that, instead of healing, worsens over time. But, in addition to this, it presents some of the following symptoms:

  • Fever and chills
  • Sore throat, headache, or pain in any part of the body.
  • Feeling tired and unusual fatigue
  • Cough may occur.

As we can see, many could identify these symptoms as an onset of the flu. However, it is necessary that we pay attention to the appearance of our skin.

In addition to all this, if our skin begins to sag and becomes very sensitive, like a burn, we are possibly dealing with a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. A painful, annoying disease that can affect the day to day.

Where does this disease come from?

At this point we are surely thinking about what causes Steve-Johnson syndrome. Is it something hereditary? Product of a virus? Maybe an allergy? The truth is that this syndrome has multiple causes. Let’s see some of them:

  • Viruses : HIV, herpes, polio, echovirus, hepatitis A.
  • Bacterial infections : diphtheria, tuberculosis, tularemia.
  • Other diseases such  as sarcoidosis.
  • Drug use : especially cocaine.
  • Medications : especially those that are antibiotics.

As we have come to realize, Stevens-Johnson syndrome can occur due to multiple factors. However, the most common is that it is the consumption of a drug that begins to reveal the symptoms of this disease.

Despite having suspicions or presenting all the symptoms, the doctor will do a test to verify that we are facing a true Stevens-Johnson syndrome. In this way, any possible allergy or reaction that can be resolved immediately with the supply of a drug is ruled out.

Treat wounds and special care

Once we have been confirmed that we have Steve-Johnson syndrome, it is time to treat the wounds. To do this, they must be protected with dressings and always kept clean. This process can be very painful, but it will be worth it.

If you have mouth sores, pay attention to the toothbrush. It should be very smooth and used without harshness. Another useful recommendation is to  use a specific toothpaste that helps heal those wounds.

The good news about Steve-Johnson syndrome is that it has a cure. However, we should go to the doctor at the first signs. As much as we believe that that sore in the mouth will disappear or that that skin falls off due to friction or an allergy, going to the doctor will always free us from any doubt.

In the event that a doctor is not consulted, even when the symptoms have worsened  there is a risk of death. Keep in mind that not breathing well, pain and difficulty swallowing can seriously endanger the life of those who have this syndrome.

If it affects your eyes, it can cause blindness if it is not resolved in time. In the same way, it can affect internal organs causing ulcers in the stomach. Therefore, at the slightest sign of alarm, it is better to go to the doctor.

Treat wounds properly.

Have you heard of this disease? Do you know someone who suffers from it? If you suspect that someone in your environment may suffer from Stevens-Johnson syndrome, insist that they see a specialist. The best thing in these cases is to receive a good diagnosis to begin timely treatment.

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