What Is Gastric Lavage

Gastric lavage, as Bugarin et al. Point out:  “is a gastrointestinal decontamination technique. The objective of this procedure is to eliminate the toxic substances that are in the gastric cavity and that are putting the patient’s health at risk.

People who have had to go through a gastric lavage know that it is not a very pleasant thing to do. In fact, it is quite painful and uncomfortable. However, sometimes it is unavoidable to have to go through this process, since otherwise the death of the patient may occur.

How is a gastric lavage done?

The way to perform a gastric lavage is always the same way. This should be done only by trained professionals. You must have the appropriate material that we will present below:

  • Gastric tube : essential to be able to carry out the catheterization.
  • Water-soluble lubricant : to prevent the tube from damaging the walls of the esophagus and sliding easily.
  • Syringe : to administer the solution that will allow the gastric cavity to be washed.
  • Stethoscope : allows you to hear if the solution is being administered correctly into the gastric cavity.
  • Washing solution: it is an isotonic saline solution that is usually administered up to 300 ml in adults and 15 ml in children.
  • Aspiration equipment : it is responsible for aspirating the contents of the gastric cavity.

Steps to follow

How is gastric lavage performed.

Now that we know the elements that are necessary to perform a gastric lavage, we are going to see the steps that are followed so that it has the desired effect. To begin with, the patient is usually placed on his side before introducing the gastric tube,  which will be properly lubricated, through the mouth or nose.

With the help of the stethoscope, it will be possible to listen to whether the tube is approaching the entrance to the stomach or not. Its proper positioning can be facilitated so that it continues on its way to the stomach by introducing some air with the help of the syringe.

When the tube finally reaches the stomach, the washing solution will be injected into the syringe. The entire contents of the gastric cavity will then be aspirated. This will be done several times repeatedly until you are sure that the wash is complete.

Issues to Consider

Some issues to keep in mind is that the patient should always be on their side when performing this procedure. In addition, if he starts to cough, the gastric tube must be removed immediately. Otherwise, this can cause you to drown.

Also, it is necessary to monitor that the liquid that flows through the tube does so easily. If not, it is possible that it is not correctly positioned or that there is some kind of pressure in some of its parts. In case of any doubt, it must be withdrawn and reintroduced.

Removing the tube should be done gently. Sometimes esophageal spasms occur during these procedures. It may give the feeling that the catheter has become trapped. This is why it is so important not to skimp on adding lubricant when the tube is first inserted.

After washing, activated charcoal is supplied to the patient. This is an excellent ally to aid detoxification. The amount will depend on whether it is an adult or a child who is going to receive it.

Gastric lavage in poisonings

Gastric lavage in case of poisoning.

Gastric lavage is carried out when intoxication occurs. But it is not carried out in all of them. To do this, acute poisonings must be considered and that are putting the patient’s life at risk. These are some of the cases in which a gastric lavage is done:

  • Ingesting poison or some potentially toxic substance.
  • Accidental or voluntary overdose.

However, a gastric lavage can also be performed if tests involving the stomach are to be performed. This is the case of, for example, a gastroscopy or endoscopy.

One of the consequences of undergoing gastric lavage is suffering from abdominal distension. For this reason, and because it is an aggressive procedure, it is only performed in the cases already mentioned.

Have you ever gone through the experience of a gastric lavage? As we have said, it is not something very pleasant due to the introduction of the tube and the subsequent stomach lavage. However, in some cases, it is unavoidable.

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