What Fruits And Vegetables Can You Apply Directly To Your Skin?

Coconut oil can help improve the appearance of oily skin thanks to its light texture. Provides elasticity to the skin while nourishing it and does not leave shine.

To keep the skin hydrated and luminous, as well as to avoid premature signs of aging, it is necessary to offer the skin the right care. Following a routine of facial care, with a good cleaning, in addition to the application of moisturizers or lotions, will help the face look better.

Likewise, the skin is a reflection of our state of health, so it is advisable to follow healthy lifestyle habits so that the skin presents its best appearance. Leave behind harmful practices, such as alcohol and tobacco, sedentary lifestyle or regular consumption of junk food.

Similarly, it is possible to take advantage of the benefits that some foods can bring. There is research to suggest that the vitamins, carotenoids, and flavonoids in some fruits and vegetables contain antioxidant properties and have been used in the skincare industry to try to prolong their youthful appearance.

In this article we explain what they are and what properties they have when you apply them to the skin. Remember that, in the case of presenting a skin problem, it is important to consult with the dermatologist about the application of these foods.

Avocado for the skin

Avocado is a fruit to which beneficial properties are attributed, not only in food, but also cosmetic. Some studies associate the consumption of avocado with an improvement in the quality of the diet, the intake of nutrients and the reduction of the risk of metabolic syndrome. 

The use of avocado pulp as a face mask is widespread. Its healthy fat content is believed to contribute to skin hydration. 

In addition, the avocado oil extracted from the pulp of the fruit contains linoleic acid, linolenic acid and oleic acid, in addition to beta-carotene, lecithin, minerals and vitamins A, C, D and E, so it could improve the appearance of the dry, damaged or cracked skin.

peeled avocado for skin

Flax oil to nourish

Flax oil contains essential fatty acids that may have a positive effect on dry skin and those prone to wrinkles. In addition, its texture is not too greasy, so it can also be applied to combination skin overnight.

There is also research in which the effect of supplementation with flax oil was evaluated. Significant decreases in skin sensitivity, roughness and scaling were observed, while smoothness and hydration increased.

Coconut oil for oily skin

oil for skin

Coconut oil could work for combination or oily skin. Thanks to its light texture, it is easily absorbed.  It does not leave the skin shiny and also deeply nourishes, gives elasticity to the skin and leaves a delicious aroma.

On the other hand, some studies have shown the anti-inflammatory activity of coconut oil to protect the skin by improving the function of its barrier. Overall, the results justify the use of this oil in dermis care formulations.

Apple skin to cleanse the skin

The apple, despite not being one of the fruits most used in skin care, would also have benefits. The high content of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of the skin of apples indicate that it could provide health benefits when consumed.

You can take advantage of the apple peel to tone and cleanse the skin. The face must be cleaned with the inside of the peel, as if it were a cleansing wipe. Afterwards, the face is rinsed with water so that it is not sticky.

Cucumber skin to refresh

Cucumber contains a lot of water and is very refreshing. It is very useful when we wake up with a puffy face or eyelids. In addition, it has a calming effect against skin irritations and reduces puffiness.

In addition to placing the cucumber slices directly on the face or face, we can also apply the inner part of its peeling. We will instantly notice its freshness.


Despite all the benefits attributed to vegetables and fruits for the skin, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist about their application, especially in the case of treating a medical condition, in case it has any adverse effect or could worsen the picture.

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