Water With Lemon And Flaxseed: Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Water with lemon and flaxseed is a refreshing drink that can be consumed as a substitute for industrial drinks, which help to gain weight easily (or make it difficult to lose).

Lemon Flaxseed Water is a refreshing drink that has gained fame as a healthy weight loss supplement. While it is not an overnight fat burning formula, it is said that taking it within a healthy lifestyle may provide some benefits.

Below we will tell you more about its ingredients and, additionally, how it is prepared to support the loss of those extra kilos.

Why is water with lemon and flaxseed recommended for weight loss?

Colored measuring tapes

Weight loss is a complex process that can vary from person to person, since each organism is different. However, in general, people who want to lose weight are recommended to maintain a balanced diet – according to their needs and objectives – and in turn, exercise daily.

However, those who want results sooner are looking for simple ways to support these lifestyles. One of those ways is by consuming drinks such as water with lemon and flaxseed, which although it is not miraculous, it is a much more suitable option than any industrial drink.

Benefits of lemon to lose weight

Lemon juice is one of the natural ingredients that has starred in weight loss diets. This is largely because in the popular arena it has been claimed on multiple occasions that its acidity would help “burn” fat. 

However, this is not exactly the case. When consuming lemon juice, it does not “travel” to the parts of the body where there is excess fat and “burns” them. It goes to the stomach and there it breaks down, as it happens with other drinks and foods.

The consumption of lemon juice could be beneficial to promote weight loss when replacing commercial beverages (soft drinks, teas, flavored waters, etc.) and adopting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if it is consumed without sugar or any other added sweetener, the better.

The antioxidants and vitamin C in this citrus fruit may provide several health benefits. For example, both help reduce oxidative stress and improve the health of all organs and systems in the body.

Benefits of flaxseeds for weight loss

Flax seeds.

The incorporation of flaxseeds into the human diet has spread in the last decade. After being known that they are good for digestive health and weight control, many people have not hesitated to incorporate them regularly in various dishes and drinks. And, despite their tiny size, they are an acceptable source of nutrients.

  • They contain omega 3 fatty acids, recognized for their anti-inflammatory action and their contribution to the health of the entire organism.
  • 28% of its weight is dietary fiber, which promotes cholesterol control and digestive health.
  • Due to their fiber content, they are also very good for controlling anxiety to eat and maintaining satiety for longer.
  • Its antioxidants support the cellular functioning of the body and inhibit the deterioration caused by oxidative stress.
  • They have a high contribution of mucilages, substances that support the regulation of glucose in the blood.
  • Its enzymes help to break down fats and proteins more easily, preventing them from accumulating in deposits in the body.

Lemon flaxseed water recipe

Water with lemon and flaxseed.

If you want to avoid consuming a soda or any other industrial drink while losing weight, then you can consider preparing the following recipe for water with lemon and flaxseed, two sources of antioxidants that will come in handy in general.


  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).
  • 2 tablespoons of flax seed (20 g).


  • Pour the cups of water into a pot and bring them to a boil.
  • Once they reach boiling point, add the flaxseeds and reduce the heat.
  • Leave them for 3 or 4 more minutes and remove them.
  • Cover the pot with a lid and let it sit for as long as necessary.
  • When it is ready for consumption, filter it with a strainer and add the lemon juice.
  • You can enjoy it at room temperature or you can add a few ice cubes to it.

How can it be used better?

Lemon flaxseed water is a drink that can be incorporated in moderation into the diet to support daily hydration.

Remember that by itself, it will not make you lose weight overnight or “burn fat” from the acidity of the lemon. However, it is a recommended option over industrial drinks, which are a great source of sugar and other harmful substances.

In short, take advantage of it as a complement and focus on adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle over time that provides you with multiple benefits.

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