Uses Of Sodium Bicarbonate On Our Skin And Hair

Sodium bicarbonate is a very inexpensive product that has become famous for its uses in gastronomy and medicine. What many still do not know is that this product, so easy to find in the market, is also one of the best allies of beauty. Today we will discover how to use baking soda on our skin and hair.

Homemade beauty routines can help us make a difference in our skin as well as in our hair. It is not necessary to spend large sums of money on expensive treatments in the beauty salon, because with a product as inexpensive as baking soda we can keep skin radiant and hair healthy. If you still don’t know how you can use baking soda on your skin and hair, don’t miss out on what’s next.

Natural scrub

One of the uses of baking soda on our skin and hair is as an exfoliator. Its natural properties make it act as a natural exfoliant that eliminates dead cells that remain attached to the skin. This can be used on the skin of the body, face and scalp.

To benefit from this natural exfoliant, you have to mix three parts of baking soda to one of water and rub to remove dead cells. As a result we will obtain a smooth, fresh and clearer skin.

Silk hands


The skin of the hands can be damaged by the contact that they have all the time with different chemicals and other pollutants in the environment.

To soften the skin of the hands and eliminate dead cells, we simply have to prepare a paste with a little bicarbonate and a tablespoon of honey, which we will rub all over the hands including the nails. Well, nails, as the publication Uñas points out ,  are made up of a sheet composed of dead cells.

Natural deodorant

Another use of baking soda on our skin and hair is as a deodorant. This product  is a powerful neutralizer that helps combat those annoying odors that arise from perspiration.

To create our natural deodorant, we must add half a cup of baking soda in the tub with hot water and use it during the bath. We will notice the difference.

Fight acne

Acne is one of the problems that most affect our beauty and our self-esteem. To combat the annoying acne pimples we must make a paste of baking soda with a few drops of lemon  and apply it directly on the pimple.

We will carry out this treatment at night since, if we expose ourselves to the sun, we could get spots on our skin. It can be used by both adolescents and those who suffer from adult acne.

Remove blackheads

Baking soda is a very effective product for removing the annoying blackheads that often appear in the T-zone of the face, as its rough texture helps to deeply cleanse clogged pores.

Black spots on the face.

To clean the blackheads we must mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little milk and apply it to the affected area. We let it act for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Eliminate excess oil from the hair

Oily hair often looks like it’s dirty all the time. In addition, it is more difficult to handle and we find it very unpleasant due to the excess oil. To eliminate those excess oils in the hair and scalp we can use the properties of baking soda  that will help us clean and keep the hair fresher.

All we have to do is mix a teaspoon of baking soda with our usual shampoo and use it as usual, but let it act for a few additional minutes. Afterwards, we will rinse with cold water. It is important to use this treatment several times a week for good results.

Clean and shiny hair

The last of the uses of baking soda on our skin and hair is to show off a much healthier and shiny hair.  Baking soda helps clean hair to remove excess oil and impurities. In addition, it will allow us to eliminate the silicones that are present in many hair products.

To apply this treatment we must dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in 5 tablespoons of water and spread the mixture throughout the scalp. Later, we are going to dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and apply the mixture from the roots to the ends of your hair.

All these options for uses of baking soda on our skin and hair are natural. If you were looking for alternatives and an economical option as a beauty product, bicarbonate will become one of your essentials.

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