The Best Anti-aging Foods

Chocolates with a high concentration of cocoa are rich in antioxidants. They lower blood pressure. They prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging and strengthen the immune system

Anti-aging foods are those that have antioxidants and also contain nutrients that take care of the skin. In this way they allow it to look fresh and, above all, that the body is in excellent condition.

Discover in this article which are the most effective anti-aging foods to have a better quality of life and prevent aging. Nourish your body inside to also notice its benefits on the outside.

The best anti-aging foods

A healthy diet should contain a wide variety of nutrients. The body requires daily good doses of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, etc. In this sense, antioxidants are what help us fight the signs of aging.

With a good diet and an exercise routine, the body can look young and healthy. To help you, below we will present the best foods for this purpose.


Walnuts are excellent plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Walnuts are a great source of potassium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. These nuts improve the quality of the skin, take care of the immune and digestive system and improve brain function, especially in older people.

The walnut is rich in fiber and contains large amounts of antioxidants and vitamin E. Eat a handful a day, but be careful because it is a highly caloric food that could throw your energy balance out of balance.


Oats are the queen of cereals. This cereal is very nutritious and cannot be absent from a complete and balanced diet. In addition, we can prepare it in very different ways. It is an interesting food to use in breakfasts, substituting processed or cereals with a greater amount of sugar.

It has high levels of protein and fiber, and it is the most widely used cereal in weight loss diets as it serves to control the mechanism of appetite and satiety, as stated in this study. It is also purifying, which helps to clean the walls of the arteries, and also helps control sugar, since it keeps blood glucose levels stable.

Olive oil

Bread with olive oil and herbs

This oil is notable for its richness in monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Therefore, it is responsible for cleaning the arteries by regulating the levels of fats in the blood. It could also delay neuronal aging and prevent mental burnout. However, current studies fail to prove this statement and leave the door open to future research.

  • Always cook with olive oil and dress your dishes with it.
  • Use it to nourish your skin as a moisturizer.


Garlic has multiple health benefits thanks to its antioxidant content. It has anticoagulant effects, improves blood circulation, reduces hypertension and could have a beneficial effect on the lipid profile, according to a recent study.

It is important that garlic is eaten raw, since cooked loses more than 90% of its effectiveness. In addition, in this way it will help us eliminate toxins that accumulate in the skin.


Regular consumption of strawberries could be helpful to take care of your heart.

Strawberries are a source of antioxidants that help reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. They are rich in vitamins C, which may be interesting for the regeneration of tendon tissue according to this publication of the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine.

Additionally, they can be beneficial when considering a hypocaloric diet due to their diuretic properties. 


The cherry has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that serve to prevent inflammation of the joints, preventing arthritis and osteoarthritis. In the same way, it regulates the heart rate and the sleep cycles of the body. These statements are reflected in this study published in 2018.

AND This whimsical fruit is rich in vitamins C and E, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and iron. It also contains folic acid and fiber. For all this, enjoy them when it is their season. 


Those chocolates with a higher concentration of cocoa have antioxidant powers.  In fact, its properties are due to pure cocoa, and not to the rest of its ingredients (sugar, milk, additives, etc.).

This anti-aging food helps lower blood pressure and is a good option to reduce the signs of aging. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and promotes metabolic function. Its regular consumption improves the markers associated with cardiovascular health and reduces inflammation according to this article from 2018.

Beans and lentils

The benefits that lentils give you are many and varied.

Do you like legumes? Due to their high level of anthocyanins, beans and lentils are grains that help reduce neurological disorders, prevent aging,  and keep bones strong. They also present interesting levels of polyphenols, magnificent for maintaining a correct state of health.

Due to their high fiber content, they help you lose weight, calming anxiety problems and optimizing feelings of appetite and satiety. Therefore, consume them 3 times a week.


Vital for maintaining youthful and hydrated skin, water promotes the loss of toxins, cleansing the body of impurities.

In the same way, it regulates the body temperature when exercising, keeps muscles and joints hydrated, avoiding muscle cramps. In this sense, we can consider it a rejuvenating food.

To take note!

These are the best anti-aging foods. If you incorporate them into your daily menus, you will increase your intake of antioxidants to combat the signs of aging. However, it should be emphasized the importance of carrying out a balanced and varied diet, and combining it with regular exercise.

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