Prepare This Plant In Infusion And Cleanse Your Kidneys

Purifying the body sporadically is beneficial to health since the body gets rid of accumulated toxins. In this task, the kidneys are essential organs, because they are responsible for filtering the blood and expelling toxic substances. But like any filter, it must be maintained. Clean your kidneys to purify your body.

The kidneys are in constant contact with toxic substances while cleaning the body, so special care must be taken with them. There are many natural methods to clean them but one of the best is the infusion of parsley.

Parsley is a plant generally used as a condiment for meals, but the truth is that this herb not only has a rich flavor to complement meals. The parsley infusion has cleansing properties. 

Cleanse your kidneys

Cleanse your kidneys with a simple parsley infusion

Parsley contains vitamins and other elements with beneficial properties for the body, as stated in this study carried out by the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Mexico), which makes it a very complete food due to its nutritional value.

  • Vitamins (A, B, C and D)
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur)
  • Fiber
  • Flavonoids

Vitamin A is involved in the functioning of the immune system, while C and E are antioxidants. Flavonoids have a diuretic action (as suggested by this study carried out by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Peru) and also an antioxidant. Calcium, for its part, helps our bones and fiber helps the digestive system. This is how parsley infusion can provide you with many nutrients in a single cup.

You can not only take it as an infusion, but prepare it as a smoothie or simply add it to your meals as a condiment. This herb helps your body in many ways, so we recommend including it in your diet.

Parsley juice, cleanse your kidneys

Benefits of parsley

Among the many virtues of parsley we highlight, in summary, the following:

  • It is an antioxidant.
  • Helps control high blood pressure.
  • It is diuretic, thanks to the content of flavonoids.
  • It is anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective, according to this study carried out by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru.
  • It prevents the appearance of grit and stones in the kidneys (it only prevents them, does not eliminate them).
  • Improves digestion and general functioning of the digestive system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Fight osteoporosis.
  • It helps you lose weight.

Clean your kidneys following a quick recipe


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried parsley (8 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

How do you prepare?

The difference between fresh or dried parsley is that the flavor changes slightly when infused. In either case, you should wash it well before infusing it.

  • Take a cup of water and bring it to a boil in a pot.
  • Once the water is boiling add the tablespoon of parsley. It is important that you add the herb just when the water reaches the boiling point, since if you do it before it could lose some of its properties.
  • Let it boil for 5 more minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, strain the infusion to remove the parsley branches and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • If you prefer, you can add sugar or sweetener to the drink. You can take 2 to 3 cups of infusion daily, 4 days a week, to see better results.

Is it advisable to consume parsley infusion in excess?

The excesses are bad and that does not exclude the infusion of parsley. The flavonoids contained in parsley favor the excretion of water and sodium but, in turn, increase the reabsorption of potassium and its concentration in the blood.

Elevated potassium in the blood is called hyperkalemia, and it can increase the risk of heart arrhythmias or cramps.

The consumption of parsley infusion is not recommended for pregnant women because it stimulates uterine contractions. It is also not recommended for people diagnosed with kidney failure with a tendency to suffer from kidney stones.

Clean your kidneys in a natural way with this and other infusions. It is recommended to do it at least twice a year for the body to function optimally. The kidneys keep the body detoxified and they deserve to be clean too.

cleanse your kidneys

Thanks to the correct functioning of these organs, the body is in good health and many diseases can be prevented. Remember also to attend annual or biannual consultations with your doctor to check that everything is going well in your body.

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