Pregnancy At Christmas: 9 Tips And Recommendations

The best way to enjoy your pregnancy at Christmas is in moderation and prudence. It is a beautiful time of year, but it is also a season in which excesses are the order of the day and you should avoid them.

The main recommendation to enjoy pregnancy at Christmas is not to fall into any excess. The end of the year parties are fabulous, but they also induce one to enter environments and fall into temptations that can affect pregnancy.

The ideal is that you live great moments at this time, but without neglecting your state. It is really not that difficult. All you have to do is be cautious and make moderation a daily watchword.

How should you take care of your pregnancy at Christmas? What are the main recommendations? What should you watch out for? All this and more is what we will see right away.

Tips and recommendations to take care of your pregnancy at Christmas

The main tips and recommendations to take care of your pregnancy at Christmas have to do with avoiding some consumption and being moderate with certain behaviors. The following are the main aspects that you should focus your attention on.

1. Tobacco and alcohol

Although alcohol is usually a protagonist in Christmas gatherings, the best thing you can do is avoid its consumption. It does not matter that it is a low alcohol liquor or that you think that a glass does not have a greater impact. Even small intakes can have unpredictable consequences.

Environments in which there is tobacco smoke are also not recommended. They turn you and the baby into passive smokers. This creates many risks, including vaginal bleeding, placental abruption, premature delivery, or even abortion. Get away from the smoke.

Alcohol prohibited in pregnancy.

2. Sleep schedule

It is very important that you do not sacrifice your sleep hours to fulfill commitments or enjoy social activities. Getting a good night’s sleep  will make you feel more vital and in a better mood. Remember that your baby also suffers from states of fatigue and tension, so take care of yourself for both of you.

3. Food

So that you do not have a problem with your pregnancy at Christmas, nothing better than eating deliciously and intelligently. Pregnancy favors digestive problems, so it is best not to eat excessively, chew well and eat quality food.

In this case, it is not only about avoiding weight gain, which is risky in itself, but about preventing discomfort. During pregnancy, heartburn, bloating, flatulence and headaches from digestive causes are common. It is best to eat more times, in smaller portions.

An additional recommendation: watch out for sweets. At Christmas you find them everywhere, but eating them increases the risk of developing gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. It could also affect the baby. In particular, it increases the danger that you will develop respiratory diseases and allergies. Be very cautious.

4. Dancing and standing time

Being active during pregnancy is great, as long as your doctor doesn’t forbid it. Of course, from there to going to a meeting and dancing as if it were the last time you can do it there is a long way. Wild dancing is not a good idea in your state.

You also don’t want to spend a lot of time on your feet. You already know that at this time the lines to enter, leave or pay in stores can be very long. So better contemplate the possibility of shopping online and leave the stores just to go out and distract yourself for a while.

5. Temperature changes

Sudden changes in temperature can be dangerous, especially towards the end of pregnancy. Specifically, these variations could cause you to give birth prematurely and give an unexpected turn to your pregnancy at Christmas, with the risks that this entails.

On the other hand, not only during pregnancy, but at any time in life, a sudden change in temperature is a factor that increases the risk of contracting colds and respiratory problems. You sure don’t want that, so take precautions.

6. Costumes

The wardrobe sometimes becomes a problem, especially if it is necessary to attend work events or others that you cannot avoid. In this case, as in the others, you should think first about your health and your comfort.

There are many fashion brands that make fantastic maternity models with which you can look very pretty without sacrificing your well-being. Do not forget that wearing heels can be very uncomfortable and also increases the risk of a fall. So rather leave them for next year.

7. Stay hydrated

To feel that your pregnancy at Christmas is going wonderfully, nothing like staying hydrated. This seems obvious, but the truth is that, in the midst of commitments, outings, shopping and everything else, it is easy for you to forget it. To avoid this, always carry a bottle of water with you in your bag.

8. Beware of poisoning

One of the great risks during pregnancy is food poisoning. There are foods that can cause you two serious diseases: toxoplasmosis and listeriosis. Both put your baby’s health and life at risk.

How to prevent this from happening? If you carry out a pregnancy at Christmas, do not eat the following foods:

  • Raw or undercooked red meats.
  • Any type of smoked or pâté made with raw meat.
  • Cured sausages, such as chorizo ​​or salami. There are divided opinions about Serrano ham, so it is better to avoid it.
  • Unpasteurized milk or any product made with it.
  • Soft cheeses such as brie, feta and camembert.
  • Cheeses with blue streaks or moldy pasta, such as cabrales or roquefort.
  • Fish that accumulate a lot of mercury, such as bluefin tuna, king mackerel, shark, and swordfish.
  • Smoked or undercooked fish or shellfish. No ceviche, sushi or the like.
Feta cheese in pregnancy.

9. Let yourself be pampered

This is the best pregnancy part at Christmas. There are many people who will have special considerations with you and this is your moment, so let yourself be pampered. Take advantage, because next year all the attention will be focused on the baby.

This is an auspicious time for you to pamper yourself. Take moments for yourself. Relax and indulge yourself in the odd whim. Let others do the hard work and don’t turn down any help they offer you. It’s your moment: enjoy it.

A pregnancy at Christmas is a unique moment

As this will be the last Christmas without the baby, it is worth taking advantage of it to spend time alone with your partner. Afterwards it will be very difficult to do it for a long time. Share pleasant and quiet moments with your friends.

Remember that it is not convenient to take long trips. Too long sitting in the car, on the train or on the plane could make you feel awful. Better to leave it for later. This is a time to cultivate peace, love, and tranquility.

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