Orange Smoothies To Protect Skin And Eyes

Foods that are colored with reddish or orange hues contain a large amount of beta-carotenes.

Today we can prepare smoothies of all colors, although green smoothies are becoming increasingly popular. However, each color gives us specific health benefits, so we should not rule out orange smoothies, as they help us protect our skin and eyesight.

Discover in this article the fundamental ingredients to prepare delicious and simple orange smoothies, as well as all its beneficial properties.

Health benefits of orange smoothies

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The foods that are included in the color range from yellow to orange are characterized by a sweet taste and a high content of beta-carotenes. These pigments, which are present in fruits, vegetables and cereals, have a mainly antioxidant function and are an excellent source of vitamin A.

Thus, by introducing them into our diet, they provide us with the following health benefits:

  • They protect our skin, since they directly activate the production of melanin. They are highly recommended for those who suffer from sunburn easily, but also to get a healthy tan.
  • They improve vision: they reduce dryness and the risk of cataracts or macular degeneration.
  • They fight cell aging.
  • They prevent cancer, especially breast and ovarian cancer in women nearing menopause.
  • They lower cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health.
  • They improve respiratory diseases.
  • They prevent joint and bone diseases.
  • They improve digestive diseases and reduce gastric ulcers.
  • They stimulate the production of white blood cells and strengthen our immune system against diseases.

How do we prepare them?

These shakes are prepared by beating or grinding the foods that we propose below with a little water. If we want a more tasty and consistent mixture, we can mix them with oatmeal drink, since this cereal also contains a good amount of beta-carotenes, despite its rather light color.

Depending on our hunger or our tastes, we will mix them with more fruits or liquid to achieve a more liquid texture, like a juice, or more creamy, as if it were a smoothie.

Beta-carotenes already add sweetness to the shake, although we can also sweeten them a little more with a natural sweetener, such as brown sugar, honey, cane syrup or agave syrup.

When do we take them?

These smoothies make a perfect breakfast or snack. We recommend consuming them during the day, since before going to sleep they would give us too much energy.

They are also perfect to drink before exercising or before going out in the sun. In this way we will be enhancing the protective effects of the sunscreen from the inside.

Orange, mango and cinnamon

This shake will appeal to anyone who tries it, as its flavor is intense and aromatic.

Orange, like all citrus fruits, contains beta-carotenes. If we also want to enhance its nutrients even more, we will include a small part of its peeling in the shake, as long as we have washed it well.

The mango will provide the tropical flavor and the smooth texture of its pulp, while the cinnamon is a very digestive spice that is also classified within the range of orange foods.

Papaya, peach and turmeric

orange smoothy orange smoothies

This shake is a very medicinal recipe since, in addition to being beneficial for the skin and eyesight, it is especially recommended for those who suffer from digestive disorders.

Papaya and turmeric help reduce inflammation throughout the digestive tract, while peaches promote the digestion of fats. If we add a small part of papaya seeds we will also help fight intestinal parasites.

Pineapple and carrot

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Pineapple is yellow in color, but it also contains beta-carotenes. This tropical fruit is one of the most common ingredients in smoothies, as it gives them a lot of sweetness and flavor.

If we combine it with carrots, we will greatly increase the amount of beta-carotenes, since this vegetable is one of the foods richest in these nutrients. The carrot contains little water, so it is difficult to beat but, if we combine it with the pineapple, which is very juicy, we will obtain the ideal smoothie texture.

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