Natural Treatments For Toothache

Toothache is an unbearable discomfort. To cope as well as possible, there are natural remedies that can help reduce it.

This discomfort is one of the most intense that can be suffered. Those who have lived it know that it is hardly bearable without some painkiller. For this reason, it is useful to know some natural remedies to relieve toothache.

Toothache can be caused by cavities, tooth decay, or even a jaw problem. So, in this article, we will tell you which are the home allies to reduce this ailment.

Natural remedies for toothache relief

When a tooth hurts, it is not clear how to act. Some people fear going to the dentist; however, if the pain persists, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Also, to reduce symptoms in advance we recommend the following home remedies.

1. Parsley, one of the natural remedies to relieve toothache

Feel free to have a few sprigs of fresh parsley in the kitchen. They will serve to give flavor and aroma to foods, but also to try to relieve toothache while respecting the popular beliefs of the method.

When chewing the leaves of this plant, a substance will be released that is relaxing for the gums and teeth. In addition, according to a work carried out at the Los Ángeles de Chimbote Catholic University, it generates endorphins (a hormone that reduces pain).

2. Hydrogen peroxide

It is one of the essential items in the first aid kit. In this sense, it is said that 3% peroxide is a well-known popular remedy that disinfects and deflates.

  • Mix with water in equal parts to reduce its bitter taste.
  • Gargle with this liquid.

Remember to be careful if you are going to follow these recommendations. Its continuous application can be detrimental if there is no expert control.

3. Black tea

Once you prepare the infusion, do not throw the bag in the trash. It can serve as a home remedy for toothache.

Black tea (2)

The tannic acid in this herb has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, which is why it acts so well in infectious processes. Likewise, researchers from the Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences extol its antimicrobial properties to reduce plaque and reduce bacteria.

Wet a little before applying next to the gum.

4. Garlic, one of the natural remedies to relieve toothache

It is one of the foods with the most popular uses over the years. In this sense, its anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory properties would be used to soothe toothache.

However, caution must be exercised and its use is consulted; since risks related to this practice have been found. A clinical case published by the Primary Dental Journal collected a burn produced on the face that warns of the danger of following this method. For this reason, it is not advisable to follow this remedy for this purpose.

5. Cloves

Clove has a main compound called “eugenol.” This substance is analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. In this regard, it has been used to soothe toothaches.

In addition to applying a nail on the affected tooth, its essential oil can also be used. With a cotton ball, it is applied to the painful piece.


However, as with garlic, this method in high concentrations is capable of producing allergic reactions. Therefore, follow the guidelines of a specialist if you want to put it into practice.

6. Ice

When the tooth is inflamed from an infection or injury, a good idea to reduce swelling and pain is to apply ice (as with other ailments). This home remedy only relieves symptoms before consulting the dentist.

7. Salt water

Rinsing or swishing with warm salt water is a good natural way to clean your mouth. Along these lines, a study published by the Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry  concluded that this habit prevents plaque build-up.

Furthermore, this ancient advice was also followed to reduce infection and inflammation.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (10 g).


  • Heat the water without boiling.
  • Add the salt and stir with a spoon.
  • Gargle around your mouth, centering the liquid on the affected tooth.
  • Spit out the water and start again until you finish the whole glass.
  • Repeat several times a day.

8. Potato

When raw, the potato releases liquid. According to popular beliefs, it has the ability to reduce inflammation, heal and relax. However, to date no scientific evidence has been found to support this claim.

Raw potato

If you dare to use it, follow these steps:

  • Cut a small slice. Then, place it on the gum and the tooth.
  • When it dries, remove and put another one.
  • You can repeat this method as many times as necessary.

9. Onion

An investigation carried out in 2010 found that the onion would also release juices that contain healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Julienne an onion and place a small slice on the affected tooth.
  • Chewing it with your teeth is key to its management. Then you just have to make the change.

10. Chamomile

According to the American doctor Sanjay Gupta , chamomile flowers contain flavonoids. Hence, your tea is suitable for healing wounds and reducing bacterial action. 

Previously wet, apply the used bag of the infusion on the affected tooth ; Or gargle with the warm tea.

11. Baking soda, one of the best natural remedies for toothache relief

Another home remedy that can help you if you have a toothache is to use baking soda. As shown by the following study conducted in 2019, it helps remove tartar; which causes many of the problems in the gums and increases the possibility of suffering cavities.

In addition, the pH of the bicarbonate counteracts bacterial growth. Of course, do not abuse this element since it becomes abrasive for the enamel of the teeth.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g).


  • Heat the water and remove before it boils.
  • Add the baking soda and stir well.
  • Swish this preparation, allowing the liquid to penetrate between the gum and the affected tooth.
  • Repeat the procedure several times throughout the day.

Effectiveness of natural remedies to relieve toothache

As you have read, there is the possibility of relieving toothache with natural remedies like the ones we have just presented to you.

However, these are not a substitute for dental or medical treatment. Therefore, to avoid any adverse effect, the expert opinion should be the priority before any own decision.

Proper prevention through good brushing, flossing, and expert follow-up is the best way to avoid complications.

Along these lines, the discomfort caused by this problem can have different causes. Do not ignore the pain and consult the dentist, your dental health will thank you to stop this regret as soon as possible.

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