Natural Treatment For Bronchitis

Bronchitis is acute inflammation of the trachea and bronchi due to bacterial infection. It does not normally cause major complications, but it is important to treat it so that it does not lead to other more serious lung diseases.

Treatment of acute bronchitis is symptomatic and supportive. According to the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacology (SEFH), it is based mainly on rest and the administration of analgesics or antipyretics to relieve discomfort and fever.

In this article we offer you some tips to try to avoid bronchitis. In this treatment you must eat adequate food and use natural remedies at your fingertips.

The right diet

Vegetables and fruits are part of the natural treatment of bronchitis

During bronchitis it is essential to monitor the diet. There is no specific diet that eliminates or prevents the symptoms of bronchitis. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, in the case of people with asthma (or at risk of getting asthma) it may be beneficial to follow some guidelines:

  • Eat to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can make asthma worse. Even losing a few pounds can improve symptoms. Learn to eat well to maintain a healthy weight in the long term.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, which can help reduce swelling and lung irritation (inflammation) caused by cell-damaging chemicals known as “free radicals.”
  • Avoid foods that trigger allergies. Having asthma puts you at a higher risk for food allergies. And allergic reactions to food can cause asthma symptoms. In some people, exercising after eating allergy-provoking foods causes asthma symptoms.
  • Get vitamin D. People with more severe asthma may have low levels of vitamin D. Milk, eggs, and fish like salmon contain vitamin D. Even spending a few minutes in the sun can increase vitamin D levels .
  • Avoid sulfites. Sulfites can trigger asthma symptoms in some people. Sulfites are used as preservatives and can be found in wine, dried fruit, pickles, fresh and frozen shrimp, and some other foods.

Medicinal plants for the natural treatment of bronchitis


There is a multitude of respiratory diseases accompanied (to a greater or lesser degree) by coughing, although the most common tend to cause acute bronchitis. For its treatment, herbal medicine has medicinal plants with antitussive, expectorant and antiseptic activity for the respiratory tract, which have proven to be clearly effective.

Some of these herbs may help: thyme, licorice, mallow, or sundew.


In addition, fumes can be part of the natural treatment of bronchitis. We will boil water with some herbs like those mentioned above in a saucepan.

When the cooking is ready, we turn off the fire. We cover our head with a towel and take a few deep breaths. They should be directly on top of the preparation. We can turn the fire on and off to create the steam. It is important to consult a doctor before performing them, since they are not recommended in all cases.

Essential oils

Within the group of plants rich in essential oil with antiseptic effect, we find eucalyptus, which is the most typical medicinal plant in the treatment of upper respiratory diseases.


  • Herbs
  • 2 tablespoons of a base oil (30 ml).
  • 5 drops of essence.


  • We mix the herb with the base oil.
  • Add the essence droplets.


  • We will apply this oil directly to the torso and neck.
  • We can also use it in an aroma diffuser in the room where we are.

Clay remedies

Although its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, clay is an ancient remedy that can be incorporated into the natural treatment of bronchitis.



  • Clay.
  • Water.
  • 4 or 5 drops of essential oil of thyme, eucalyptus and oregano.


  • We will make the poultice by mixing the clay with water until it has a creamy but consistent texture.
  • Then, we will add the drops of essential oil.


  • Once prepared we will apply it, preferably hot, on the chest and back alternately.
  • We can repeat it every 6 hours.


In some herbalists they sell a special clay to drink. It is a purified clay, free of elements that would be toxic to the body.

We will mix it with water without using a metal spoon (we will use a wooden, porcelain, etc.), we will let it rest for 10 minutes and we will drink it in the morning.


In addition, we must not forget that in any repetitive or chronic disease it is essential to avoid bad habits such  as tobacco, alcohol and poor diet.

Although this natural bronchitis treatment can help you relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation, it is recommended that you visit a doctor as soon as possible so that he can establish the most appropriate treatment for you.

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