Natural Antibiotics To Fight Mild Infections

Pharmaceutical antibiotics should only be used in severe infections. Its indiscriminate use has strengthened viruses, fungi and bacteria. In nature there are numerous plants, roots and flowers that can be used as natural antibiotics.

Natural antibiotics to fight infections are the best alternative to take care of health. In fact, antibiotics processed by the pharmaceutical industry should only be used if the doctor prescribes them. However, its indiscriminate use is causing more and more harm to human health.

Nature is very rich and diverse. It offers a multitude of options to face the infections that threaten us. Natural antibiotics have been used forever. However, we have forgotten that knowledge and its benefits by prioritizing the use of pharmaceutical antibiotics. Therefore, if you are interested in  natural antibiotics to combat mild infections , we recommend reading this article.

What we should know about antibiotics

Natural antibiotics to fight mild infections

The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has caused bacteria and viruses to become increasingly resistant. There are many infections that do not need to be treated with traditional antibiotics. However, we have abused the indiscriminate use of antibiotics to treat all kinds of infections or diseases, according to this study carried out by the University of Santiago de Compostela. In the case of virus infections, antibiotics have no chance of success.

In fact, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics affects the microbiota of the intestine. Antibiotics unnecessarily kill these “good” gut bacteria, affecting the rate of recovery from all diseases.

Natural antibiotics to fight infections

1. Horseradish

Horseradish can be one of the most effective natural antibiotics. Whether red or white, this tuber can be even more effective than chemical medications. In addition, its flavor is highly appreciated in the preparation of salads or to season meat or fish.

It is very effective in treating sinusitis and in treating respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu, or lung congestion. It is also effective in fighting urinary tract infections.

Likewise, it has been proven by an Ohio State University study that horseradish would help protect us from carcinogens, especially those related to inflammation. Thus, they can reduce the ability of tumor cells to spread.

However, if you have any medical questions, it is best to go to the doctor and follow his advice. No type of food can replace a specialized treatment.

2. Acacia

Acacia is very useful for treating mild infections. According to this study carried out by the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), its broad spectrum antibiotic effect is due to the presence of alkaloids in its composition.

The medicinal properties of acacia are found in its flowers, with which you can prepare infusions and tonics. The seeds and bark of the acacia tree should not be used as they are toxic.

3. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil is among the best natural antibiotics to fight infections in the respiratory tract, according to this study from the University of Monastir (Tunisia). This oil is rich in cineole, a substance with broad spectrum antibiotic and antiviral properties. It can also be used to attack bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis.

It is also a pain reliever and a powerful immune system booster. If eucalyptus oil is mixed in equal parts with apple cider vinegar, it is a valuable antiseptic to treat wounds, boils and insect bites.

4. Gold seal

Goldenseal herb is commonly found in many gardens as an ornamental plant. However, it is a medicinal herb with important nutrients and powerful benefits for everyone in the home.

This plant is rich in berberine, a substance that is very effective against bacteria and microbes, according to this study from North Carolina Greensboro University. In infusion it is appropriate to treat ailments in the throat or skin.

5. Licorice

Licorice root is one of the natural antibiotics to fight infection. This is stated by this research from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

Licorice is frequently used by Chinese medicine. It serves as treatments for certain stomach ailments, according to this study by Dr. Uwe Siedentopp. However, it should not be taken in excess or for a long time, as it can cause headache, fatigue or high blood pressure.

6. Grapefruit seed extract

The extract is obtained from the first cold pressing of grapefruit seeds. This extract is an excellent natural disinfectant and a powerful natural antibiotic (according to this study from the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, in Mexico)  with a broad spectrum. It is effective against fungi, bacteria, viruses and intestinal parasites.

It can be used both internally and externally. Internally, it increases the defenses of the immune system. Applied on wounds and cuts it prevents them from becoming infected.

Natural antibiotics to fight infections: Final thought

Nature offers multiple options to fight all types of infections. However, we have become convinced that pharmaceutical antibiotics are the only effective ones. We not only use them in our body. Also, they are used indiscriminately in agriculture and livestock.

We have reached the point of strengthening and making more resistant to bacteria and viruses, with which we need more aggressive antibiotics. Natural antibiotics even offer to strengthen the immune system, whereby the human body itself can cope with infections on its own. It is worth trying and daring to use natural options. Your own health and the environment will thank you. Finally, it is always recommended that in the event of persistent or serious infections, go to the doctor.

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