Music Therapy To Lower High Blood Pressure

Music therapy can help us relax and control our breathing. As a consequence, our heart rhythm will also normalize and we will be able to stabilize blood pressure levels.

The music therapy is the use of music for therapeutic purposes. Today, it is used in disorders such as dementia, anxiety, depression, etc. In this way, hypertension is perhaps the main concern of adults. Emergency insurance, blood pressure monitors and pills are our guarantee for prevention. But there is a new alternative in sight: music therapy.

Intense emotions are a trigger for high blood pressure. This is something that doctors always emphasize and, being this an eminently emotional factor, diet and medications will not be able to totally solve the problem. However, if we want to work on the disorder from a behavioral point of view, music may be an option that many have not yet explored.

How can music therapy help us to control hypertension?

Certain types of music have been scientifically proven to have the ability to regulate and influence systolic and diastolic pressure. In this way, problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular ailments and pre-infarction could be prevented. In fact,  slow rhythms and harmonic music can improve vasodilation by 26%.

This also helps us avoid heart disease. Especially when they are related to unexpected mood swings. However, not all types of music have the same influence on humans. This is something that we can demonstrate ourselves by listening to different types of rhythms and musical genres.

Classical music has proven positive effects

According to some specialists, the effect of classical music on vasoconstriction has been proven. There are many experiments that have been carried out around this musical genre, which has achieved the best effects to regulate tension.

Classic pieces such as “Serenade No. 13 in G Major” by Mozart, or “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi have been subjected to scientific tests and the results are astonishing. Of course, other styles can also benefit our circulatory system.

In fact, meditation music sets a trend in this type of experience and has been designed to address behavioral problems and generate benefits for the people who listen to it. This is an elaborate expression of music therapy.

We ourselves can experience the effects of music therapy

We ourselves can experience the effects of music therapy

It has been determined that stimuli such as laughter, the environment or music are decisive in our emotions  and influence the state of our blood pressure. The best thing is that we can experience this on our own.

If we try it, the mere fact of listening to a song that we like generates an emotional stimulus. And its effect is noticeable from the moment we put on the headphones. Of course, not all musical styles convey the same effects to us.

The same happens when we listen to a recording of meditation or relaxation. Many of these use natural and soft sounds that make us feel as if we are in quiet and pleasant places. In contrast, when we listen to rock or dance music the effect tends to be the opposite.

Relaxing effect of music therapy

Stress release and emotional distention help prevent blood pressure rises. And music therapy has the ability to induce a relaxing sensation. Although this is not the only way to do it. Taking a deep breath, meditating, taking a vacation trip, or lying on a couch all have similar effects.

Today researchers believe that this relaxation effect is the fastest way to reduce stress naturally. And this without resorting to any type of medication. The most optimistic believe that music could replace hypertensive medical treatments, at least in some patients.

A recommended relaxation exercise

A recommended relaxation exercise

If we feel overwhelmed by a strong emotion, or the blood pressure monitor indicates an unusual elevation, we must remedy.

  • The correct thing is to listen to  soft music, with slow rhythmic patterns and that is to our liking.
  • To do this, we can go to a more comfortable room or environment.
  • The idea is to lie down in a comfortable place and start taking deep breaths while listening to the songs.
  • In addition, we must gradually lower the intensity of that breathing.

In this way, various relaxation techniques are combined with the idea of ​​being able to avoid hypertension and its effects on health.

Music allows us to control voltage spikes without side effects

The advantages of this discovery are many. The first thing is that this type of treatment allows us to obtain results without having to deal with the typical side effects of hypertensive medications. In addition, implementing these types of practices can bring a higher quality of life to patients. We will have other tools to combat stress, fatigue and we will find a time to abandon tensions.

Music therapy: final comments

Best of all, we don’t need a lot of money to do our own music therapy treatment. An electronic device, headphones, and a cozy space are more than enough to get started. However, we always recommend going to the psychologist or doctor in case your symptoms prevent you from leading a normal life.

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