Light Dinners To Lose Weight Without Starving

At night we do not burn what we consume at dinner, so it is advisable to eat foods that satisfy us and are easily digested.

If we want to lose weight without starving and without great sacrifices, we must pay close attention to dinner. This is the meal of the day that can make us fatter the most if we eat excessively and, however, the one that can help us the most to lose weight easily.

In this way, we share with you some simple and light dinner proposals to go to bed without going hungry and gradually lose weight.

Does dinner make you fat?

We must bear in mind that what we eat at night, especially if it is late and we are not going to exercise before going to bed, we are not going to burn it and possibly it will become part of our energy reserves. These reserves, if they are excessive, turn into accumulations of fat, especially if the food we have consumed was not adequate. That is why it is convenient to prepare suitable dinners that leave us satisfied but that we can digest easily.

The importance of time

As important as what we eat will be the time we choose for dinner. In some European countries you have an early dinner, before 6 in the afternoon, and later you have something very light. On the contrary, in other countries you have a snack in the afternoon and you don’t have dinner until 9 or 10 at night. The ideal would be to have dinner before 8 in the afternoon, so that we have time to digest dinner properly. If we go to bed late and are hungry again we can always eat a fruit or a tea.

Balancing dinner

A light dinner does not mean eating lettuce with tomato. Even if we want to lose weight, if we want to lose weight in a balanced way, dinner must contain carbohydrates (vegetables, fruit or cereal) and protein, so these recipes contain the exact amount we need.

Vegetable creams

Vegetable creams are very digestive, satisfying and easy to prepare, as well as nutritious. We can vary the vegetables that we use according to the season and look for different combinations to make them more original:

  • Pumpkin and cinnamon
  • Zucchini, garlic and oats
  • Leeks, onion and pepper
  • Carrot and ginger


In addition, we can add legumes, so that they have a protein contribution, and some foods that will make them even healthier:

  • Brewer’s yeast – gives a delicious roasted flavor
  • Wheat germ: it is a very nutritious supplement
  • Algae: help us to remineralize the body
  • Flax oil: provides us with essential fatty acids

Gazpacho to lose weight

The traditional gazpacho or vegetable smoothie is ideal for hot times and is very healthy because it provides us with a large amount of raw vegetables. Gazpacho is a satisfying food, so it is ideal for our weight loss plan. As if that were not enough, gazpacho is very beneficial for health, as it has been shown to help in cases of hypertension.

We will blend or beat the following ingredients well:

  • Tomato
  • Cucumber
  • Red pepper
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Vinegar

If we choose to have gazpacho for dinner, we should also eat something with protein, such as a handful of nuts, a piece of fresh cheese, white fish, etc.

gazpacho-can-substitute-dinner-helps-to-lose weight

Pear and apple compote

If one day we are not so hungry or we have overindulged with food, we can opt for a sweet dinner. We will prepare a pear and apple compote that we can make by cooking them with a little water or in the oven. We will add ground cinnamon, a little honey and a walnut.

Vegetable with mushrooms

The vegetable contains a lot of fiber and has relaxing effects on our body, in addition to many other benefits. It is also easy to digest, making it ideal for dinner time. We will choose the one we like the most: artichokes, green beans, chard, spinach, etc. To add protein, we can opt for peas, which are actually a legume. Mushrooms are also appropriate , rich in protein, and they will give it a delicious flavor if we sauté it all together in the pan with garlic, parsley and a little smoked paprika.

Onion and Egg Soup

Finally, there is a traditional and therapeutic recipe for cold days or for those times when we begin to feel colds.

We will fry an onion and when it is soft we will add broth (homemade or pre-cooked), chopped garlic, thyme, turmeric, a little spice (chili, cayenne, etc.) and, at the last minute, a raw egg. We will stir well and in a few minutes the soup will be ready. We can accompany it with a slice of toasted whole wheat bread.


Images courtesy of looseends, HarlanH and lablascovegmenu

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