Learn Exercises To Achieve An Excellent Stretch Of Your Muscles

Stretching exercises before and after training are essential to avoid injuries and contractures. Thus, you avoid overstressing a muscle.

Stretching exercises are very important, both at the beginning of training routines and at the end of them. In this way, the body is prepared for practice. The body must first warm up, then stretch it.

And why do them after training? After the tension they have suffered during exercise, the muscles must relax. Otherwise, you can suffer an injury, cramp and give rise to the appearance of soreness.

E EXERCISES for excellent stretch

Research carried out in 2012 showed that all warm-up programs must include stretching routines, since otherwise the effect of the exercises can be counterproductive. The positive result of this is athletic performance.

Here are some effective ways to achieve optimal stretch for your muscles:

1. Leg stretch

Calf stretch

  • First, you will take a big step forward and the foot of the back leg should be on the ground completely.
  • Then bend the front leg as far as it will go, while fixing the heel to the ground. In this way, the calf is stretched.

Stretch the inner thighs

  • To do this, open your legs as much as possible and flex as if you wanted to do a squat.
  • Then put your hands on your knees to push your legs back for a wider opening.
  • Then, take one foot with your hands and bring it to the buttock.
  • Finally, bring your leg as high as possible and slightly back. In this way, greater tension will be exerted.

2. Buttocks, lumbar and abdominals

Cobra stance

To stretch these 3 areas of the body you have to go by parts. The buttocks will begin to be stretched, then the lower back and finally the abdominals.


You have to lie on the ground with your arms in the shape of a cross. Then bring your legs to the side. You should try to take the one that is above as far as possible and that the knee touches the ground. Help yourself with the hand that corresponds to the side that the legs have turned to push the knee towards the ground and achieve a greater stretch.


To perform this exercise, you have to do a standing roll up . In this way, you have to drop like a ball to the ground and make your hands touch it. Then slowly come back up and press on the lower back. The last thing to get up is the head.


For this you can perform the cobra or Bhujang asana . Position yourself face down and with your hands at chest level, raise your trunk as much as possible.

3. Top

Now, it is time to stretch the upper body. To do this, you can perform some muscle stretching exercises with your arms.

  • The first consists of stretching the arm towards the opposite shoulder. The other hand hold and press the arm. This is how you can stretch your shoulder.
  • Another exercise could be to raise your arm and flex it behind your head. Then, with the other hand, push the elbow down. In this way, the triceps are stretched.

4. Neck

This is a very important part of the body where a lot of tension that builds up goes. This is another reason in addition to preparing and relaxing your muscles before and after exercising.

  • First, without moving your shoulders, try to make your ear touch one of these. To push the head you have to help yourself with one hand. Thus, the neck muscles are tightened even more.
  • Finally, in this exercise, the chin should be brought as close to the chest as possible. Also, you can put your hands behind your head and push it subtly. Then bring your head back.

The final relaxation

To stretch

Variations can be made to these stretches. There are so many ways to stretch your muscles that the variations are countless. It is convenient to insist that, at the end of this small routine of muscle stretching exercises, breathing exercises should be added.

A Healthline article stated that inhaling and exhaling during stretching helps the muscle to oxygenate and relax faster, thus reducing pain or possible injury. In this way, we then proceed to the final relaxation exercise:

  • First, bend your knees a little, inhale and raise your arms up as if you wanted to stretch.
  • Hold for a few seconds, then drop your body as you exhale and bring your hands to the ground. Repeat 2 more times.

This exercise allows you to relax effectively and have a pleasant sensation after practice. Finally, you must remember to do these stretches before and after training.

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