Is Potato Beneficial In The Diet?

Potatoes contain significantly lower amounts of carbohydrates than other foods such as bread or pasta. It also produces greater satiety.

Do you want to know the benefits that the potato brings us if we include it in the usual diet? Is it true that it does not contain important nutrients for the body? Can it make us fat if we consume it frequently?

These and other doubts you may have raised in front of this food. Here we explain everything about the potato and the benefits it brings to health.

Myths about the potato

In principle, you should know that there are various myths about the potato. Among the most common is that it is a food that will make you gain kilos because it is composed mainly of sugars.

Potatoes contain complex carbohydrates, which are assimilated in a slower way, which produce a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. It also helps to improve intestinal transit by providing fibers.

The potato in the diet is not only healthy but it is also convenient to introduce it among the foods we consume. If you are in a weight loss process, the potato, cooked properly, will help you with it. It is a food with a low energy density. This, added to its contribution of dietary fiber, makes it a satisfying but low-calorie food, as stated in an article published in the Nutrients magazine.

Know the truth about the potato


The potato or potato is a class of herbaceous plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. There are innumerable myths about this tuber ; among them, it does not provide any essential nutrient for the body.

However, the following percentages will show you the contribution that this food provides in the daily amount of nutrients recommended for an adult. In every hundred grams of potatoes you can find:

  • Calcium (1%)
  • Phosphorus (8%)
  • Potassium (9%)
  • Iron (14%)
  • Magnesium (6%)
  • Vitamin C (33%)
  • Vitamin B1 (6%), B2 (2%), B3 (7%), B6 ​​(19%)

In preparation is the key

The potato only has 15 grams of carbohydrates. This is a very low figure if we compare it with other foods such as lentils (48 grams), pasta (70 grams), chickpeas (49 grams), brown rice (81 grams), beans (41 grams) and bread (47 grams).

That said, it is valid to ask yourself why potatoes are fattening if they have so few carbohydrates. The problem is not in this food as such, but in the way you prepare it.

If we choose a bad way to cook them, we will multiply the calories. Pay attention to the numbers: 100 grams of raw potato provide 73 calories, roasted provide 100 and steamed or boiled, only 75.

On the other hand, 100 grams of frozen potato chips contain 270 calories, while the same amount of homemade potato chips have 290 calories and the French fries have 538 calories. In addition, this class of preparations contain trans-type fatty acids in their composition, which contribute to increase inflammatory processes, according to a study published in the journal Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine.

Why this drastic change in calories? The cooking method dramatically changes the nutritional value of the potato. When potatoes go through the frying process, some of the water they contain evaporates and instead they absorb oil ; the more they assimilate this substance, the more calories they will get.

It is possible to include potato in the diet in a healthy way

stuffed baked potatoes

In a healthy diet, the benefits of potatoes can be numerous. As we have already seen, it provides essential nutrients, fiber and complex sugars that improve health. Therefore, including this food in the plan of a healthy diet is more than recommended.

Yes, it is very important that you take into account the method of preparation. Choose methods away from frying, which increase the caloric value and reduce the benefits of the potato.

Enjoy this delicious food in a multitude of preparations. From being the main food of the dish to as a side, the potato is an essential component of the diet. In any case, if you have any doubts, consult your professional nutritionist about whether or not it can provide you with health benefits.

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