I Had To Get Lost Several Times To Find Myself

“I had to lose myself several times until I found myself.” Surely you also identify yourself with this expression; in fact, you may even be in that vital moment right now where you are at a crossroads where no path seems right.

People do not always make the right choices, nor do they choose the easiest path, the one that ensures happiness. Living is also making mistakes. You have to give yourself the opportunity to guide courses and rewrite choices.

They are complex vital moments in which it is experienced, from fear to anxiety. However, every time you see yourself in these circumstances, remember the ideogram that the Chinese language uses to represent the crisis, since it also symbolizes “the opportunity”.

So do not regret having chosen the wrong directions throughout your life. ” The act of finding myself is a long journey that is not without errors but, in the end, we always find the right path.”

“We enjoy the heat because we have felt cold”

This striking phrase belongs to the psychologist and writer David Weatherford, accompanied by others that complement it:

We value light because we know what it is to be alone ” and “I must allow myself to feel lost from time to time, and then make a good decision.”

The moments of crisis are situated in the middle of a cycle and stand as moments where it is essential to reflect and attend to all these dimensions:

The “internal revolutions” that you live are moments for reflection

Some are paralyzed. There are those who, at some point in their life, when they experience disappointment, betrayal or simply perceive that they have made a mistake, they do not know how to react.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions such as loss, or being aware of a bad choice, means experiencing an attack on one’s own schemes and even on internal values.
    • It is normal to experience that blockage. However, little by little one must  learn to react and allow oneself to “rebuild” again.
    • A crisis is an ideal time to reflect. I can be wrong, I could have committed the greatest foolishness of my life. And nothing will happen, as long as I am able to find myself again and have acquired an apprenticeship.


    Ability to understand that life is change

    Every day is made up of moments of confusion, chaos and disappointments. There is no short and easy path to permanent happiness.

    • People must be “everyday warriors” and understand that nothing remains, not even the calm that is now. And yet, nothing in this life is insured forever, not even love.
    • It should be understood that life is change and that clinging to things and people in an exaggerated way sometimes brings great suffering.
      • Accept that you are free to make mistakes. Assume that, sometimes, things do not go as expected and that life itself pushes you to have to make constant changes.

      Finding myself, a possible process with 5 keys

      I must be aware that finding myself is an adventure that can last a lifetime. However, going step by step to achieve that balance is the best thing one can do.

      Therefore, keep these steps in mind:

      Run away from inconsistencies

      People, sometimes, come to maintain many inconsistencies that fill with unhappiness. Give in to something you don’t agree on, prioritize people who don’t value you …

      Think about all those inconsistencies that you usually accept in your daily life.

      Have confidence in yourself

      Having confidence in yourself means accepting mistakes but knowing that, in the end, the right thing will be done. If you leave your trust in someone else’s pockets, you will never be the owner of your own life. Thus, cultivate self-esteem, as advised by this study carried out by a team from the University of Costa Rica.

      Listen to your heart

      Surely you keep in your heart more than one dream that you have not yet fulfilled. Maybe because you think it is too late, or because you think it is better to serve others. Do not allow it, your heart is the engine of your life and you must prioritize it from time to time.

      Be sure that you are on your way

      People should have the feeling every day of “going on the right path.” The certainty that  what you do and have now is what makes you happy.

      If you don’t have it yet, it is important to feel or intuit that you are doing well, that you are close to your purpose.

      Do not sell your dignity, do not get involved in a professional work that does not excite you and that takes away your quality of life. Do not give away your existence to offer it to someone unable to value you.


      Accept your past to be happy in your present

      To conclude, never regret all those times when you have erred on your way. People take a long time to find the internal balance generated by the phrase “I am happy and I do not want anything else.”

      Life is a journey to travel calmly learning from every bump, from every turn of direction. And it is an adventure that is always worth it!

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