I Can’t Find That Special Person

I can’t find that special person and that frustrates me. Sometimes I feel like I am worthy of having it; others, I think there is no one for me.

Although we are aware that to be happy it is not necessary to have a partner, something inside us pushes us to achieve this goal.

What to do if I can’t find that special someone?

Perhaps it is the society that continually urges us all to walk the same path. However, there may be other types of issues that we have to solve.

Check that you are not isolating yourself


Your inability to find that special person that you wait so long may be due to the fact that you yourself, without realizing it, isolate yourself and prevent that situation from occurring.

This is very common in cases of depression, in which we immerse ourselves in our daily routine, postpone outings with friends (which in the end never happen) and avoid meeting new people.

Also, isolation can be a consequence of previous negative experiences that have caused you an excruciating fear of meeting someone who could hurt you again.

You have mixed feelings. You are in a want and I can not.

Not meeting new people and wanting to do so, we plunge into a loop of sadness and hopelessness that will only make us even more sullen.

Discover the reasons why you isolate yourself. Maybe you are trying to reconnect with your loneliness and enjoy it. In this case it is nothing negative.

However, in the above cases, we may need a helping hand to give us a push to get out of a situation in which we are cornered and blocked.

Do you have too high expectations?

Another reason why that special person does not appear in your life may be because you have high expectations regarding her and your relationship.

Things are not as they seem and one relationship will never be the same as another. Therein lies the beauty of each link. It’s unique.

These high expectations sometimes lead us to initially idealize the person next to us. A highly undesirable attitude.

With this, we will not only end up disappointed, but, over time, we will open our eyes and we will be unable to continue the relationship.

Blaming the other will not be the right thing to do. In reality, you have generated those expectations, many of them unreal.

Be tolerant, open and do not carry iron beliefs about that special person in your head.

Beware of social pressure


This is the part where society strongly pushes us to do what, perhaps, we don’t want to do.

Think of all those women who feel tremendous anxiety over the years and how their chances of conceiving are diminishing. Perhaps, without really wanting to be mothers.

When we do not find that special person, it is important to stop and think, because maybe we do not want to find them.

Why do we keep thinking that because we are alone we are strange? Why, at a certain age, if you do not have a partner, do they start to judge and question you?

There are many outdated beliefs that are still in place today under a modernity that many still don’t believe.

It is important not to get carried away by social pressure, to look within ourselves and discover what it is we want.

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t found that special someone. This is not sought, it happens. The more you search, the less you will find.

So if you want the day to come when you can fall in love with someone, just wait. Be patient.

Also, you can analyze how is your way of wanting. Today there are different types of relationships far from the traditional one, such as polyamory .

Maybe you can’t find your special someone because your prototype relationship doesn’t suit you.

Being alone is not negative. Enjoy your life without a partner and if it appears, welcome! But don’t be obsessed with it. Be happy for yourself.

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