Hydrate And Protect The Cuticles Of Your Nails With This Homemade Cream

Continuous exposure to dust, the use of cleaning chemicals, and environmental changes are factors that often cause weakening and injury to the nail cuticles.

This area is increasingly important in the beauty routine of the hands. However, many still do not know how important it is to provide certain hydration and repair care.

The problem is that neglecting them increases the risk of infection. Breakage and other alterations appear that directly affect the aesthetics of the nails.

Luckily, there are treatments of natural origin that, due to their combination of ingredients, serve to rehydrate them and keep them in good condition.

In the next space we want to teach how to prepare a healthy homemade cream.  You will make it for a low price and you will also keep your cuticles healthy and strong.

Homemade cream to protect and hydrate the nail cuticles


This homemade cream to hydrate the cuticles is made from a mixture of nourishing ingredients. Ingredients like beeswax, castor oil, and lavender oil.

These are characterized by their significant contribution of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and other nutrients that promote the natural repair of the skin.

Bee wax

Beeswax is an organic product that has stood out since ancient times for its moisturizing, protective and regenerating action.

Its healthy fats, added to its vitamins and antioxidants, create a protective barrier against the aggressions caused by the sun and toxins.

In turn, its nutrients help restore the skin’s natural pH.  They provide a protective effect against germs that cause infections.

  • It should be noted that it also provides vitamin E. An antioxidant nutrient that prevents the breakdown of skin tissues while promoting cell repair.
  • Its absorption reduces the negative impact caused by free radicals and, in turn, slows down the excessive accumulation of dead cells.

    How to prepare this homemade cream to hydrate and protect the cuticles?

    homemade cream

    By preparing this homemade cuticle care cream, you will have a great ally on hand to protect your nails and prevent infections.

    Although its composition is very different compared to the products sold in cosmetic stores, its regular application provides similar effects.

    Ideally, use it every day. Although we do not always notice it, this delicate skin suffers attacks due to its continuous contact with various surfaces.


    • 1 tablespoon of beeswax (15 g).
    • 1 tablespoon of castor oil (15 g).
    • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.


      • Heat resistant container.
      • Airtight glass jar.
      • Wooden spoon.


      • Put the beeswax in a heat-resistant container and put it to melt in a water bath.
      • When it has melted, add the castor oil and stir with a wooden utensil.
      • Remove it from the heat and, before it cools, add the lavender essential oil.
      • Let it sit for a few minutes and pack it in a glass jar with a lid.
      • Put it in a cool, dry place, until it solidifies completely.

      Application mode

      • Take the amount of cream you consider necessary and rub it on the cuticles and fingers with a gentle massage.
      • Make sure it absorbs well and let it work, without rinsing.
      • Repeat its application every day, preferably at night.

      To keep in mind!

      cuticle cream

      This natural cream with regenerating properties is perfect for those who have cracked cuticles or infections.

      • From the first application you can feel more moisturized, soft and protected cuticles.
      • However, to achieve optimal results, it is advisable to take other measures. For example, the use of gloves when handling cleaning chemicals.
      • It is also good to exfoliate your hands once or twice a week.  In this way, the nutrients in this cream are absorbed more easily.

      Keep in mind that, in addition to being cheaper, it is made with natural ingredients that will not cause unwanted effects.

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