How To Reduce Eyestrain Naturally

Eye exercises and a proper diet can be enough to alleviate eyestrain, although if it persists, we should go to a specialist to prevent major problems

Visual fatigue is a symptom that stems from some disease or condition in the eyes.

Therefore, it does not refer in itself to a specific pathology.

Likewise, it groups several ocular discomforts that are often caused by overexertion during activities of visual demand.

In many cases it is accompanied by headaches, blurred vision, and the inability to stay focused when performing everyday tasks.

Although it is mild and usually not a serious problem, it is important to take steps to counteract it before it affects your quality of life.

Considering that many overlook it, below we want to review some of its causes, symptoms and various methods to alleviate it.

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Why does eye strain occur?


Visual fatigue occurs when the eye muscles have to work harder, especially in close-focus tasks (reading, viewing screens, etc.).

It is popularly said that “the eye gets tired of seeing” for a long time, just as the muscles feel tired when running or exerting themselves in high-demand tasks.

Therefore, there is no exact cause that explains it, but there are several associated factors. The most common are:

  • Using electronic devices for a long time.
  • Having a poor diet.
  • Having a poor quality of sleep.
  • Straining your eyes in dimly lit spaces.
  • Doing activities that require constant changes in focus (such as driving).
  • Exposing the eyes to the sun or polluted environments.

Symptoms of eyestrain

Visual fatigue manifests itself in multiple ways, depending on its cause and the person’s lifestyle.

In general, this is characterized by causing:

  • Redness or irritation in the eyes
  • Excessive dryness or, conversely, constant tearing
  • Feeling of grit in the eyes
  • Difficulty focusing on nearby objects
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches or migraine

Tips to reduce eye strain naturally

To reduce the discomfort of visual fatigue, it is not necessary to resort to medications or medical therapies.

In fact, it is only recommended to consult with the specialist when the symptoms are recurrent or prolonged.

Although there are many situations in which it is almost inevitable to feel it, practicing some healthy habits can delay its appearance, or even counteract it.

Adopt a healthy diet


Diet is one of the most important pillars in maintaining good visual health.

The nutrients obtained from food help to regenerate your tissues and prevent their premature deterioration.

Make sure to include foods such as:

  • Carrot
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Blue Fish
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Vegetables
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries

In addition to this, try to limit the consumption of saturated fats, sugars and sodium.

This variety of foods produces circulatory difficulties that, in some way, interfere with visual health.

Use medicinal plants

The application of some remedies with medicinal plants can improve the circulation of the eyes to reduce inflammation and the feeling of fatigue.

Consequently, some of these treatments are used internally.

However, several can be applied externally for faster relief.

Feel free to use:

  • Chamomile-infused compresses
  • Cold compresses infused with nettle
  • Witch hazel rinses
  • Fennel-infused compresses
  • Calendula-infused cold compresses

Do eye exercises


Eye exercises are strengthening and relaxation activities that, through movements and massages, improve circulation in the area to reduce blurred vision, burning and other discomforts typical of visual fatigue.

In fact, the ideal is to put them into practice during the workday, even when there are no symptoms, since they reduce eye strain and help prevent more careful visual conditions.

The recommended exercises are:

  • Blink at different rates
  • Another is, close your eyes and relax them
  • Cover the eyes with your hands and massage them with your fingertips
  • Close your eyes and then gently peel off the upper eyelid
  • Move your eyes in circles
  • Set several points and perform a focus exercise on each one
  • Observe the tip of the nose
  • Fix focus on a small item
  • Make an imaginary writing with your eyes

Are you experiencing the symptoms of eyestrain?

Keep in mind that, in addition to following the recommendations given, it is important that you take time to rest.

If you continue straining your eyes for a long time, despite feeling discomfort, the situation may get worse and it may be more difficult to treat.

Find a relaxed environment, preferably dark, and relax your eyes.

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