How To Hide Gray Hair In A Homemade Way

Concealing gray hair is a big concern for many people. The white or lighter hair that appears in men and women after the age of 40 is for many the palpable demonstration of the passage of time.

If the first grayish strands begin to appear in your hair and it is something that worries you, do not hesitate to read this article. We are going to tell you some tricks to hide gray hair in a homemade way.

Why does white hair grow up?

They are a clear sign of aging, although there are cases of young people who have gray hair before the age of 35. They are more noticeable in those with dark hair and, like wrinkles, they are sought under all means to avoid or hide them.

Although it is inevitable that the hair remains white in its entirety, it is possible to delay its appearance with some home remedies, as well as using natural dyes to cover gray hair.

The age at which the first gray hair appears depends, according to experts, on the maternal genes. Therefore, if our mother had a lot of gray hair at a young age, it is likely that we will also have them at 40 (or earlier). The reason is the lack of melanin, the component that gives hair its color.

Factors such as stress or leading a not-so-healthy lifestyle can contribute to graying or occurring earlier than normal. It is also said that the intake of many sugars and refined flours is another cause, although this is not entirely confirmed.

Women suffer more than men from gray hair and, in addition, they appear earlier than men. What happens is that most of them cover them in one way or another.

Remedies to delay the appearance of gray hair

Thanks to these homemade recipes you can improve the appearance of your hair, delaying the loss of color of the strands. You can also hydrate and strengthen hair.

If you have premature gray hair, a lack of iodine or copper may be behind your problem. Eat more nuts, whole grains, legumes, avocados, and peas. Reduce your alcohol intake and quit smoking. However, the best home remedies to avoid gray hair are:


It is an herb recommended for those with brown hair. Sage has many properties and various applications. Make an infusion with a handful of sage and another of black tea in half a liter of boiling distilled water. Let it cool and use it as the last rinse when washing your head.


If you have dark hair, you can take advantage of the rosemary infusion to cover gray hair. Make a tea with four tablespoons of rosemary for half a liter of water.

It will also help you strengthen the roots and improve the appearance of the scalp. You can use a diffuser to spray all over your hair. With the passing of the days and the daily application, the tone of the hair will darken.

Chamomile and turmeric

These two options are for light brown or blonde hair. Using an infusion with both you can have golden reflections and hide gray hair.

Mix four tablespoons of chamomile in half a liter of water, filter and use as the last rinse. If, in turn, you want your hair to have a more honey-colored tone, add two tablespoons of turmeric powder to the tea.

Avocado, argan oil, or coconut oil

These three essential allies for your hair can help you delay the appearance of gray hair. Its oily components also hydrate the hair.

To take advantage of its properties, you can mix the three ingredients to make a mask. Cover the hair with a hot towel, leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of hot water.


Magnolia tea is very good to hide gray hair. You just have to mix a tablespoon in a cup of hot water and filter when it has cooled. Once the hair is clean, apply the infusion. It will darken gray hair and give your hair a more even tone.

Homemade recipes to hide gray hair

In addition to the natural remedies indicated above, you can take advantage of the benefits of these recipes with ingredients that you surely have at home or can get without problems. They will help you hide gray hair.

Walnut, walnut, egg and rosemary recipe

Rosemary to hide gray hair

You will need 2 walnut leaves, 5 crushed walnuts, the shell of 1 egg and a handful of rosemary. Mix everything and form a paste, with which you will make a mask. Let it act for an hour. Repeat once a week and rinse with plenty of water.

Sage and rosemary recipe

You need three tablespoons of each of these herbs, if it is fresh, the better. And also a cup of boiling water. Mix well and let it sit for ten minutes. Strain and apply to hair as the last rinse, do not wash afterwards.

Henna recipe with lemon juice

The ingredients are three tablespoons of henna powder and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix well, achieving a consistent paste. Apply and cover with a hat or plastic bag.

You should leave three hours and then rinse.  Henna leaves hair with a certain reddish hue if the process is repeated several times.

These simple recipes will help you hide gray hair, but remember that it is a natural and inevitable process and that genetics have a lot to do with it.

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