How To Get Rid Of Abdominal Pain Easily?

Although there are different solutions that can help us relieve abdominal pain, if it is very persistent we should go to a specialist to rule out important problems and receive adequate treatment

Abdominal pain can be a bit misleading, due to the large number of organs housed in the internal region of it.

And it is that throughout the abdominal area they are distributed from the stomach to the intestines themselves.

A large number of people tend to generalize pain, attributing it solely to an upset stomach. It is a very common mistake on a day-to-day basis.

However, and based on the aforementioned, this area is made up of other organs. Thus, they can also present any type of pain in case of suffering a condition.

Main causes of abdominal pain

Taking into account the myriad of factors involved in abdominal pain, we will show some of the most serious. Let’s get started.

1. Acute pancreatitis

man with acute pancreatitis

In medical terms, the ending ‘-itis’ indicates inflammation. In this case, pancreatitis is nothing more than the swelling of the organ in question.

  • Your pain occurs in the upper abdomen. Although it can also extend to the back area.

2. Acute hepatitis

As well as the previous cause, hepatitis is the inflammation of the main organ belonging to the hepatic system, the liver.

The pain of this is localized in the upper right part of the abdomen.

3. Appendicitis

We continue with abdominal inflammations. This time we talk about one of the most common in humans, appendicitis.

The pain occurs in the lower right area of ​​the abdominal region. Although, it usually starts at the navel and then moves on.

4. Bowel problems

Although there can be many variants, the most common are infections and diarrhea.

Generally speaking, these problems are accompanied by pain throughout the abdominal region. Thus, they tend to be unpleasant ills for those who suffer them.

5. Gastritis

There are different abdominal pain similar to gastritis. However, this is considered the main cause of cramps in the upper abdomen.

In addition, it can be accompanied by bloody stools or vomiting, among other symptoms.

Alternatives to treat abdominal pain

Based on the above, humans have sought multiple alternatives to alleviate pain and put an end to all kinds of abdominal ailments.

Next we are going to tell you several home remedies to relieve it naturally.

Ginger and lemon

lemon ginger syrup

Ginger root is one of the healthiest ingredients out there. Its gingerol content makes it an effective anti-inflammatory and digestive. Thus, it can help us relieve bloating and heartburn, among other things.

Therefore, thanks to its properties, it is usually part of various home remedies. In this case it will be very useful to combat abdominal pain.

However, it is advisable not to abuse its consumption, since gingerol is a fairly strong substance. Thus, in excess it could cause side effects, such as digestive problems.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 piece of ginger root
  • The juice of ½ lemon.


  • First, heat the water and, once it reaches a boil, add the piece of ginger root.
  • Next, let the decoction take place for 10 minutes. Then, remove from the heat and add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Afterwards, mix all the ingredients well and let it rest until it reaches a temperature suitable for consumption.
  • You can try to drink two cups a day.

Rice water

Rice contains large amounts of fiber, which is very beneficial for the body. In addition, this is a diuretic so it can help you empty the stomach and intestines of harmful substances.

As many of the pains are associated with the digestive system, rice can be beneficial. This favors the functioning of the same and helps to treat certain conditions.


  • 5 cups of water (1 ¼ liters)
  • ½ cup of rice (90 g)


  • First, heat the water in a saucepan or pot and, when it boils, add the rice.
  • Then simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, strain the content and then reserve the water to consume it as a serum to relieve discomfort.

Simple alternatives to get rid of abdominal pain

woman doing yoga

Aside from the home remedy options discussed above, there are also other types of simple practices. These may help ease pain in your abdominal region.

  • Meditation. Although many doubt the power of the mind, it can be amazing. Thus, it can influence the rest of the body.
  • Brush your teeth before and after every meal. Although it may seem like nothing to do with it, some stomach infections enter through the mouth. Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth well.
  • Acupuncture. Influences the relaxation of the mind. Its effects are similar to those of meditation and common concentration to regulate abdominal pain.

To keep in mind

female doctor palpating abdomen

All abdominal pain is different, despite its similarity and the area in which it occurs. However, its duration is not usually very long.

In case of exceeding 24 hours, it is recommended to visit the specialist to rule out any type of advanced or vital disease.

Also, remember that the remedies mentioned here are only a relief for mild cases. In no case do they constitute a complete treatment for severe cases. If you think you have any of the aforementioned diseases, you should see a doctor.

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