How Can You Solve Your Relationship Problems?

Sometimes you may find it difficult to solve your relationship problems. However, this does not mean that you should give up everything and feel bad that the relationship is “nearing the end”.

Many people have relationship problems for various reasons. And while some share them with trusted people or directly with experts in different areas, others do not dare to talk about it to remedy it, because they consider that they do not know how to do it and because they are afraid that the matter will get worse.

Has it ever happened to you? Have you had a hard time talking to your partner about something that makes you uncomfortable? Do you have a problem and would like to solve it, but you don’t know how? Don’t worry, the same thing happens to many. This is not something out of the ordinary.

To help you a little, below we will share a case with you, as well as some keys that can help you solve your relationship problems. Although you should bear in mind that in some cases you may have to consult a specialist.

What are the most common relationship problems?

Troubled couple quarreled in bed.

As we have been commenting previously, there are several reasons why a couple can have problems. Some of the most common are the following:


Along with mistrust, lack of respect for the privacy or intimacy of the other, jealousy is one of the most common relationship problems and often originates not only from poor communication, but also from self-esteem problems and cognitive distortions. It is advisable to attend them with professional help. 

Dysfunctional communication

The lack of empathy, the use of passive-aggressive schemes, manipulation and other little or no assertive formulas can make a dent in the relationship, frequently generating conflicts and discomfort in both members.

On the other hand, avoiding talking about certain topics to “avoid conflict” can be counterproductive, since the concern is prolonged and does not provide a solution. The avoidance of certain topics, although at first it may seem like a good strategy, in reality, the only thing it does is prevent both of you from talking, reaching a common place and normalizing the fact that you have to do it to maintain a healthy relationship.

Lack or excess of time together

As the famous proverb says:  all excesses are harmful. In this sense, if two people do not have time to share and be together due to excessive responsibilities, this can cause various problems in the relationship. For example, one of the parties may come to consider that it is not had as a priority and that it has remained in a second or third plane in the life of the other.

On the other hand, when two people spend too much time together they can also have problems because they do not allow themselves a space to function on their own and have some time for themselves, their hobbies , their projects, etc.

Coexistence issues

On a day-to-day basis, a couple can also have coexistence problems to a greater or lesser extent. Generally, these revolve around the division of tasks, the maintenance of the home, the care of the pet and the rearing of the children. Although they can be presented for a move and other events.

Talking about what is uncomfortable and always trying to reach an agreement, it is possible to overcome the problems of division of tasks, for example.

Lack of a common life project

The lack of a vision for the future, a joint life project for which to work as a team can also cause problems in the couple’s relationship because it gives rise to great uncertainty as well as insecurity and multiple concerns. 

It may be that there is also some inequality in approach. For example, one of the two parties may avoid talking about the subject because he thinks it is “too soon,” while the other is anxious to further consolidate the relationship and at least have a general outline of the possibilities.

Disagreements in bed

Other of the most common relationship problems are those that have to do with sexual life. Communication tends to play a role here as well.

If vulnerabilities, concerns or even fantasies, preferences, the desire to share a specific experience, the desire to stimulate the G-spot and try some sexual games are not discussed openly, the couple may distance themselves and emerge various conflicts.

Likewise, incompatibilities in sex are a point that must be addressed, otherwise it will not be possible to reach a common place and solve it. For this, you can consider turning to an expert.

Can sex be a way to solve your relationship problems?

Sexy positions that you must try sometime.

In some television series and movies, the joke has been made several times that, in the face of certain problems, the best way to solve them is by having a good dose of activity in bed. For this very reason, many people have replicated this behavior.

Now, would this be the best way to always solve your relationship problems? Certainly not. It is not convenient to apply the same measure for each and every one of the problems that may arise in the relationship.

While it is true that sexual activity can contribute to the closeness of the couple and the release of tension, it is not a solution as such to the problems. In fact, it can become a “patch” that then does nothing more than prolong the discomfort.

However, when relationship problems originate in the bed, then the solution may be there. For this, you can consult with the psychologist or sexologist. 

Communication, the pillar to solve your relationship problems

Couple in therapy to solve their problems.

As you can see, the solution of a problem can be found by talking with respect about everything that generates concern to know what is happening, how each one sees it and how between the two of them they could solve it, in order to be comfortable and happy in the relationship. 

Sex can be a valid complement in some cases, but by itself it is not the solution to all your relationship problems. Therefore, be encouraged to always give priority to good communication, because this is what allows you to strengthen and take care of the relationship and improve other aspects, such as coexistence.

Communication plays a fundamental role when it comes to addressing and solving problems, be they partner or of any other nature. It allows to expose concerns, contrast them and also find a common place in which both people can feel comfortable. Take care of it!

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