How Can We Stimulate A Baby In The First 6 Months Of Life?

Since everything is new for our baby, we can stimulate him with objects that we have around the house, as well as with sounds to awaken his curiosity.

Babies spend the first few months of their lives quite calm when it comes to learning new things; Although they can sleep all day or cry, they take notice of what is around them, but when we can most help them learn things about their environment, it is after 4 or 6 months, depending on the child. How can we stimulate a baby in the first 6 months of life?

From this age, we can place the child on a blanket on the floor. Also in the crib or in our arms. But no matter where we have the baby, we can help stimulate their learning. Regarding this, we want to take advantage of our space to talk a little more about this interesting topic, since the stimulation of the child during its first months is considered a determining factor in its cognitive, cerebral and motor development. This is how this study carried out at the Metropolitan University of Ecuador expresses it .

How to stimulate a baby

Mother with her baby

Teach him to awaken his senses

When the baby is in the blanket, we can make him notice the colors of the blanket. Also in the animals or other objects that are in the blanket. It is a good time to start making him see the difference between the colors.

In this study, entitled ” Importance of psychomotor stimulation in childhood” , the clear importance of this in the first months of the infant is shown. He explains it better by stating that psychomotor development constitutes a crucial area within the overall development of the child.

Obviously, he still has a few years left to tell them apart. But in this way, we are encouraging him to want to know, to want to know and this will be reflected in his life as a student from the first year.

On the other hand, helping him to stimulate speech is also something that is recommended to do. It seems something innate in parents, as it is common to see how some of them try to make the baby repeat certain sounds, which is very positive.

In the same vein, you can see the summary of this study, published by the Scientific Information System and the Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal , in which linguistic stimulation in education is addressed child and it is stated that the most important learning that children acquire in their early years is that of their mother tongue.

The study continues to explain that this stage is the ideal time to prevent and / or compensate for possible difficulties that may affect children’s evolution.

Like any game, we can help you say “ma”, “pa”, and so on. You will learn it either way. However, being with him and seeing how we pronounce the sounds will help him do it faster.

We can also really enjoy giving him to try certain new flavors in his diet. The pediatrician will be the one who will tell us what are the ingredients that we can add to your diet. But cooking differently for the baby and letting him taste the food separately will also be like a game for him. Thus, we will also enjoy a lot seeing the faces that he makes with each of the textures and flavors of the food.

Stimulating a baby with toys

What’s moreā€¦

Musical toys are another of the recommended games that we can do with it. Thus, they will help you stimulate your brain. We can play with a large number of toys with different sounds and make the baby relate them to objects.

For example, in this study, published by the AIJU Technological Center , called “Games, toys and early attention”, it is stated that both psychologists and pedagogues, speech therapists, physiotherapists, psychopedagogues and other professionals, find in games and toys a key tool in therapeutic intervention, since children’s motivation and enjoyment take on a very relevant role in this type of session.

Any type of game that we can offer our baby will be a new world for him. With the obvious that it has to be adapted to your level. The normal thing and the norm is that, he will learn anything that we want to teach him.

It is recommended that what we have at home, even the most insignificant for us, could be an ideal toy. To have fun with our baby, we just need to be by his side and share all possible situations with our baby  and he will take care of making it a game for us too.

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