Homemade Preparation To Regulate Sugar And Cholesterol

Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are known to be “silent diseases”, so it is very important to keep them under control. Regulating sugar and cholesterol is essential to avoid complications from the aforementioned diseases. Here we will teach you how to do it with a very simple homemade preparation.

This remedy works as a complement to other necessary care to control hormonal and compound levels associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Of course, it must be accompanied by a good diet, appropriate to your condition.

What is diabetes and what are its causes?

Blood glucose to control diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not work properly when producing insulin. This may not be sufficient for the body’s requirements or the pancreas does not use it effectively.

Insulin has the function of regulating sugar levels in the body, which is why irregularities in this hormone cause blood sugar to rise. This means that diabetes is not high blood sugar per se but the inability of the pancreas to handle insulin.

If diabetes is not controlled it could damage some organs or systems in our body. In some cases it even requires the amputation of the lower limbs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), high sugar levels were the cause of 2.2 million deaths in 2012. And by 2014, 8.5% of adults had diabetes.

By 2030, the same organization estimates that  diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. That is why the care and regulation of blood sugar levels are so important.

Why take care of cholesterol levels?

Maintaining normal cholesterol levels is also very important for good health. Cholesterol is a substance that is found in every cell in the body and is necessary for its function. However, when there is an excess of this substance, it mixes with others and clogs the blood vessels.

When blood vessels are clogged, a condition called arteriosclerosis develops. This, in turn, could lead to life-threatening coronary diseases, as we are prone to cardiovascular attacks.

The WHO affirms that cardiovascular diseases are the deadliest in the world, with 17 million victims. Likewise, he adds that a significant group of people diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia do not receive adequate treatment or control.

If you want to reduce the risks of suffering from cardiovascular disease, it is important that you watch what you consume. Take a sedentary lifestyle away from your day to day and get moving to improve your quality of life.

Pumpkin juice to regulate sugar and cholesterol


  • ½ cup of pumpkin or squash (100 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Add the raw pumpkin pieces to the blender and blend with the water until smooth.
  • The consistency of the drink will depend on your tastes, so the amount of water can vary. We recommend making it with the equivalent of a glass.
  • To see better results you should consume the juice daily and fasting for a month. It is not recommended to sweeten it. If you decide to make it just with a little honey or sweetener.

What are the health benefits of pumpkin?

Pumpkin to regulate sugar and cholesterol

Pumpkin is high in fiber, vitamins A, B6, and E, potassium, iron, riboflavin, and phosphorus. This drink will help you regulate not only your cholesterol and blood sugar levels but also those of triglycerides. Now, how do you do it?

It promotes the release of toxins from the bloodstream and cleans the arteries, as it removes bad cholesterol (LDL) from them. In this way it prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Due to its fiber content, it fights constipation and favors the work of the digestive system. This will improve the functioning of your body by cleaning itself of what it no longer needs.

With respect to its effects on glucose levels, a compilation of studies carried out in this investigation from Semnan University (Iran) showed favorable results in the regulation of insulin in the rats studied. Thus, the scientists concluded that, if successfully reproduced in diabetic patients, the effectiveness of pumpkin could be confirmed.

Including this food in your diet, either in the form of juice or soups, will have multiple benefits for your body. One of them is to regulate sugar and cholesterol. Of course, do not forget that the basis of well-being is always having a good diet. Avoid foods that increase the values ​​mentioned above.

Go regularly for consultations with a specialist doctor to review the general state of your health and monitor the levels of hormones and substances in the body. In this way, it will indicate what is necessary to regulate sugar and cholesterol if these values ​​are altered.

Remember the importance of early detection of organic abnormalities to act in time and avoid complications later. Do not forget to include a little physical activity in your daily routine to get away from a sedentary lifestyle.

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