Homemade Celery And Apple Smoothie To Reduce Measures

We can consume this smoothie during breakfast or when we have a hunger attack, in order to satisfy ourselves and avoid consuming other more caloric foods.

Homemade smoothies are all the rage. And thank goodness! Not only because they help to vary the diet with delicious and novel mixtures, but also because they are refreshing and satisfying, something that can undoubtedly contribute to weight loss.

Yes, instead of having a snack or drinking any industrial drink (including those that have the light label ) , you can drink a homemade celery and apple smoothie -for example- and thus lose weight in a healthy way, without stopping enjoy the good taste. In addition, its regular intake can promote metabolic function and digestive processes.

So, take advantage of the benefits of a rich celery and apple smoothie!

What are the benefits of this celery apple smoothie?

Both celery and apple are well-known foods around the world for their fiber and water content, two essential elements to promote the absorption of nutrients to avoid subsequent deficiencies, improve intestinal transit, combat constipation and retention of fluids and also, reduce inflammation of the abdomen.

The combination of both allows us to obtain a drink that is low in calories, refreshing, satisfying and also tasty. 

Celery properties

  • Celery is a vegetable with a minimum caloric intake and a certain content of antioxidant substances that benefit the body.
  • It stands out for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties,  which fight problems such as constipation and gas.
  • It can regulate body fluids by increasing urine production and facilitating the expulsion of waste substances.
  • Contains polyacetylene. This element not only helps to reduce size, but also calms the inflammation of ailments such as arthritis or gout.
  • Thanks to its contribution of potassium, it relaxes the muscles around the arteries and improves blood flow to control hypertension.
  • Likewise, it can quell your cravings for sweets and fast food, which cause you to gain more weight.

Read: What is behind the anxiety to eat?

Apple properties

Benefits of eating a green apple daily.

It is estimated that each piece of apple contributes 40-45 calories in exchange for a contribution of fiber, antioxidants and several essential nutrients. Therefore, it is on the list of the most effective foods for weight loss.

Due to its contribution of pectin, a type of dietary fiber, it can help lower cholesterol levels and prolong the feeling of satiety. It is also worth noting its contribution of B complex vitamins, as well as magnesium, potassium and phytonutrients that can protect against oxidative damage.

Additionally, its diuretic and detoxifying action is considered to help regulate fluids and eliminate toxins in the body.

How to prepare this celery and apple smoothie to reduce measures?

Containing only 88 calories, this celery and apple smoothie is  a good food supplement for those trying to lose weight. We also recommend adding a piece of pineapple to give it a better flavor and benefit from its digestive enzymes.


  • 1 green apple.
  • 3 stalks of fresh celery.
  • 1 slice of pineapple.
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • Optional: 7.5 g or 1 teaspoon of organic honey, a tablespoon of aloe vera gel for consumption, fresh spearmint.


  • First, cut the green apple into several pieces, remove the seeds and put it in the blender.
  • Next, add the washed celery, pineapple slice and a cup of water.
  • Process everything for a few moments and, if you wish, add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten it.
  • Finally, serve it fresh and have it during breakfast or in the event of a hunger attack in the middle of the morning or mid-afternoon.
  • If you are going to drink it in the evening, keep in mind that it will make you eliminate fluids and that this can make you get up to go to the bathroom several times.
  • If you decide to add the peppermint, be sure to wash it well and mash it first.

This celery and apple smoothie provides extra nutrients to the body, but without promoting excessive calorie consumption. It is very important to combine it with a good diet and an appropriate exercise routine for it to work.

The idea of ​​consuming a homemade celery and apple smoothie is to use it to replace industrial drinks and snacks that – although it may not seem like it – prevent you from maintaining a healthy weight.

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