Have You Ever Wondered What Crying Is For?

Crying is often associated with weakness or a lack of character. However, giving ourselves the opportunity to cry when we feel or need it is good for our health. Have you ever wondered what crying is for?

In this article we will tell you how tears can help you and when it is worth using them.

What is the use of crying: Crying does not mean being vulnerable

Westerners have a certain reluctance to tears. We think that if someone sees us crying they will think that we are weak, too sensitive or even unstable.

For some, crying is a sign of submission or of feeling defeated. However, it can also be used as an emotional strategy and to achieve what we want.

Tears can even strengthen relationships and create bonds. If we cry with someone, we will achieve a connection that is difficult to break.

However, this emotional behavior is not effective in certain areas or environments, such as at work.

At work, if we shed tears when something does not go well, we will be “the weak ones” from whom we cannot demand more or expect anything extraordinary.

In a world (or part of it) where expressing emotions is frowned upon, it is understandable that we hide to cry and only “invite” people from our inner circle to share that moment with us.

Crying serves to feel liberated

Sigmund Freud was the pioneer in studies on crying. The father of psychoanalysis said that crying is an act of liberation.

Then it was concluded that suppressing tears can trigger anxiety disorders, asthma or intestinal ulcer. Not expressing feelings makes us more likely to get depressed or sick.

From an emotional point of view, crying balances our mood, makes us feel supported and loved, allows us to express ourselves and bring out the bad and what ails us.

When crying appears due to an unpleasant situation, we can subsequently achieve an even greater period of calm than the one experienced before the problem that brought us to tears.

For example, crying in bed over a heartbreak or loss can lead to a restful sleep that we might not otherwise be able to enjoy.

We can also cry when we watch a movie or hear a sad song. .. even if they are not related to our present or the message they offer.

In these cases there are factors that make us cry, such as seeing the protagonists cry, how sad the story is, if it has a positive message at the end or if at some point we can compare it with some situation of the past.

Crying serves to manage emotions

At the same laugh, this is a very important and is one of the ways we humans to communicate, emotional expression to through tears say what happens to us, what we feel and what we think.

Crying can be therapeutic, because it relieves tensions and increases empathy with those around us. We are more likely to receive help if we cry than if we are angry, for example.

Relief, relief and relaxation are other positive consequences of crying. It is a healthy activity, even if we look at it with bad eyes and think that it shows weakness.

However, we must know how to differentiate when we cry to feel better or to achieve something.

  • In the latter case, we become dependent on tears and we cannot achieve anything without them.
  • Unlike the crying of babies who warn that they are hungry, sleepy or require a diaper change, adults have other ways of communicating and achieving our goals.

Is crying a woman thing?

According to research published in the journal Cognition and Emotion in 2000, women report a greater likelihood of crying or isolating themselves in an angry situation than men. Additionally, it appears that women report that they are more likely to shake / freeze, as well as cry / isolate themselves in fearful situations.

Patriarchal heritage and culture forces men to show themselves stronger and, since crying makes us look weak, they cannot afford to show it in public.

A husband or father can never be less than a woman in that sense. Even children are told that they cannot cry because “that is for girls.”

Social issues aside, there is a hormonal issue that leads women to older scenes with tears included. Female emotional expression is closely related to crying and they use this technique as self-therapy. Difficulties showing feelings are more common in men.

In short, crying may even be necessary on certain occasions. Whether you are a man or a woman, we encourage you to cry calmly when you need it.

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