Foods That Cannot Be Combined With Soft Drinks

Surely you have heard that soft drinks (especially those of the “cola” type) are not entirely good for your health. However, many love them and continue to consume them despite the warnings.

In this article we add another reason not to drink so many soft drinks: the foods that you should not combine with them. Remember that there are certain mixtures that are especially harmful to health and that should be avoided.

What foods can I not consume with soft drinks?

Without realizing it, we are incorporating into the body foods that together can be toxic or harmful. We may think that there is nothing wrong with accompanying a delicious dinner or lunch with a glass of soda, but there are some combinations with certain ingredients whose effects are harmful.

Pay close attention to the foods that you should not consume with soft drinks:


Cold milk remedy

Who would think of drinking milk with a soda? Of course we are not talking about putting both in the same glass or using as a drink at the same time. But there are recipes that contain milk, both salty and sweet.

For example, some pastries with cream or a birthday cake. When the soda and milk reach the stomach, a great acidity is produced that will translate into stomach pain, reflux or indigestion.

Just as the intake of soft drinks alone is not recommended, milk is a food with a high nutritional density. It contains proteins and fats that have been shown to be essential for muscle health. Consume it whole and alone.


Again we do not believe that there are people who put soda in their coffee, but they do drink the first one during lunch and the second one for dessert.

Both have high doses of caffeine and for this reason it is not recommended at dinner time: it will cause insomnia, nightmares or problems falling asleep.

And there is more to this combination since, when both reach the stomach, a kind of bubbly foam is produced that results in a very strong acidity. Therefore you will feel alert, euphoric and with stomach pain due to a great indigestion.

Remember that, on the other hand, caffeine overdose negatively affects the central nervous system, according to a study published in Nursing . You should avoid consuming high amounts of this alkaloid, as it can be harmful in the medium term.

Sweet bread

Sweet bread

For the holidays we usually consume this delicious and sweet dessert. If we add to that the amount of sugar in soft drinks, the result is a dangerous increase in blood glucose levels.

You will also feel alert because of the amount of sugar in the body. Therefore, to enjoy panettone at Christmas, do not combine it with cola or any other type of drink.

Spicy foods

Spicy ingredients or spices such as chili, cumin or curry add flavor to food but, when they reach the body, they automatically raise the body temperature (so we probably want to drink immediately). Think twice before choosing a soda.

Carbonated drinks react negatively with spicy flavors, generating an increase in the secretion of stomach acids, which influences the pH of the area.

However, be clear that spicy food is beneficial in many situations. For example, it has been shown to help reduce body fat.

Peppermint candies

Peppermint candies

You can do the test and place a mint in a glass with cola and you will see the reaction … There is a kind of explosion! This is due to the effervescent power of the candies and the bubbles of the drink.

Imagine then what happens inside us when we consume both at the same time. You shouldn’t even try it, as the pain will be excruciating and the internal reaction can be dangerous.

What happens in the body when drinking cola?

Whether we mix them or not, this drink is not good for your health. There are those who claim that it is used for everything except drinking. What happens to our body when we drink it?

After 10 minutes

A glass of soda has 10 tablespoons of sugar. Just as you are reading. This is a kind of blow to the body.

Make no mistake, as it does not give us energy or allow us to be alert, but instead unbalances blood glucose and can be dangerous.

After 20 minutes

Insulin levels in the bloodstream “skyrocket”  and the liver has to work hard to transform the sugar it has received. The bad thing is that it turns it into fat.

After 40 minutes

After 40 minutes

Caffeine begins to take effect in the body: the pupils dilate and the blood pressure rises. We do not feel tired and the liver releases sugar into the blood.

After 45 minutes

The body increases the production of a hormone called dopamine, which is responsible for stimulating the area of ​​the brain dedicated to pleasure and rewards.

This is why we like to drink soft drinks so much: to the mind they are like a fabulous drug.

After 1 hour


There is an increased elimination of calcium through the urine. This can cause osteoporosis, tooth loss, or bones more vulnerable to breakage. The phosphoric acid in soda also binds magnesium and zinc.

The diuretic effect that these drinks supposedly have is false, since it does not remove waste from the body, but the nutrients necessary to live.

Try to avoid drinking soda

As you have seen, soft drinks are not a good option when looking for a good state of hydration. Consume them in moderation or even restrict them from the diet. This will be positive for your health in the medium term.

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