El Rescate, A Formula For Emotional Crisis Situations

Bach flowers are a set of flower essences that are popular as they are believed to help us naturally cope with difficult emotional situations.

In addition, there is a preparation of these essences known as “rescue” . This is a remedy for periods of emotional crisis. It is said that it can bring us serenity and help us overcome stages of change.

In this article we explain how these essences work, what the Rescue consists of and how and when to take it to benefit you in the moments that you or your loved ones need it most.

The remedy explained below is not a substitute for a doctor’s advice. Also, remember that it might not work for you. We recommend that you see a mental health specialist if you have an emotional crisis.

What are Bach flowers?

Bach flowers are a set of 38 essences made from plants. These are believed to be helpful in dealing with an emotional crisis. They are also used to solve other emotional and psychosomatic complications. They were discovered in the early 20th century by Dr. Edward Bach.

These essences contain high-frequency living energy and do not act through biochemical principles. They act at an energetic level, trying to undo our blockages through the subtle energy of the essences.

One of the great advantages of Bach flowers is that they have no contraindications or side effects, and can be taken even by pregnant women, children or pets .

What is the Rescue formula?

Of the 38 flowers, Bach selected five to create a unique universal preparation for emergencies.
The flowers he chose were the following:

  • Cherry Plum: for situations in which we find it difficult to control ourselves, we lose our way and we lack willpower.
  • Rock Rose : this flower allows to treat moments of panic and despair
  • Clematis : an ideal flower for stages in which we let ourselves be carried away by circumstances. Recommended when it is difficult for us to keep our feet on the ground, concentrate or pay attention to our surroundings.
  • Impatiens – As the name suggests, this flower treats impatience. It will calm us down and help us act at a slower and more thoughtful pace.
  • Star of Bethlehem : flower to treat any type of shock or trauma that has created a physical or emotional blockage in us. It helps us face new stages and eliminate entrenchments.

What role does rescue play in an emotional crisis?

The Rescue is not a remedy to be taken in a very continuous way. Unlike loose flower essences, it is rather for specific moments of crisis or acute situations, such as:

  • Death of a loved one and situations of grief or loss
  • Events that make us nervous, such as an exam or doctor’s visit
  • Stages of major changes: moves, job changes.
  • Important family situations: marriage, pregnancy, divorce.
  • Sudden accidents or illnesses
  • Anxiety crisis, panic or anger attacks, nightmares, phobia situations
  • Moments of stress
  • Acute or sudden-onset illnesses: gastroenteritis, fever, pinching, etc.

Once we feel more serenity we can go on to take a specific preparation. This treatment will be determined by our therapist, although we can do it ourselves if we know the 38 flower essences.


How do we take it?

Once we have the floral preparation, we must always take the dose of 4 drops under the tongue as many times a day as we need. Four times is the recommended minimum. When we notice improvement we can space the shots more.

If we are going through a very critical situation, we recommend putting 4 drops of the Rescue in a bottle of water or an infusion. Thus, we will take sips every minute. By doing it this way, its effects will be even faster.

In cases of sudden physical problems, such as burns, bumps or wounds, we can also directly apply a few drops. The application will be repeated every half hour.

Since it is a preparation for emergency situations, we recommend acquiring it and always carrying it with you.
It can also be kept in our home as part of the medicine cabinet, since the times when it is needed are usually urgent.

Where do we get them?

Bach flowers are currently sold in herbal shops, stores and natural health centers and in some pharmacies.
If we need long-term treatment, it is important that we follow our doctor’s instructions.

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