E-cigarettes: Safety Concerns

Electronic cigarettes emerge as an attempt to find alternative methods to reduce the harm of tobacco. However, as they are known in depth, doubts arise about whether or not they may favor the existence of additional risks.

It seems, then, that far from granting a certain benefit, it causes it. Even so, there are both defenders and detractors of its use. Therefore, it is good to be informed in order to make better decisions and confirm or dismiss the concerns that e-cigarettes raise for their safety.

Electronic cigarettes: yes or no?

vapers or e-cigarettes

“Electronic cigarettes” go by different names and their potential effects are sometimes not easy to understand. Thus, it is not strange to observe that these are known by many different names and, at the same time, their content is not clear.

Although electronic cigarettes do not contain tobacco, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies them as “tobacco” products, which already allows us to anticipate their effects and impacts on health.

At the same time, the electronic cigarette emerges as an option to replace the conventional one. However, there is no scientific evidence to account for its safety or effectiveness in quitting tobacco.

Therefore, the National Agency for Medicines, Food and Medical Technology, ANMAT of Argentina, ratified the prohibition for its import, distribution and commercialization as one more example of the concern for the safety that the use of electronic cigarettes arouses.

Available forms of electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are available in many sizes and can take various forms such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pens, or USB flash drives, for example.

These cigarettes have a battery that powers the device, a heating element that heats the e-liquid and turns it into a vapor, a cartridge or tank that contains the e-liquid, and an opening used to inhale the vapor.

The emergence of new verbs

The word “vaporear” ( vaping ) refers to inhale the “vapor” of an electronic cigarette. The Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) and the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) have warned about these associated risks and concerns for their safety, noting that:

Information regarding its effects is essential

In this sense, it is important to resort to suitable sources that collect data from the scientific literature. In an article published by Francisco Javier Ayesta and the presidents of the CNPT and SEDET, evidence is collected on these issues and others related to toxicity, addictiveness and the usefulness of these devices to help people quit smoking.

Thus the authors emphasize that:


According to information from the General Directorate of Public Health and Drug Addiction, Region of Murcia:

  • The entire population, especially minors and adolescents, is advised not to use electronic cigarettes.
  • It is recommended not to use electronic cigarettes, with or without nicotine, in any public space.
  • The use of electronic cigarettes to stop smoking is not recommended.

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