Do You Want To Strengthen Your Hair? Don’t Hesitate To Try This 100% Natural Conditioner

This time we teach you how to prepare a natural conditioner for your hair at home! Conditioner is a hair care product that for many years has earned a very important place in the beauty routine of most women.

Although the shampoo leaves the hair clean and in good condition, there is a need to complement its use with this element whose function is to protect and restore.

During normal rinsing, excess sebum, dead cells and various impurities that accumulate after exposure to the environment are removed.

However, the cuticles are slightly inflamed and leave the mane susceptible to damage by free radicals and heat. This is where conditioner plays an important role, providing essential nutrients and damage-repairing agents.

Fortunately, these days it is very easy to buy and almost everyone can find presentations to suit their needs.

However, for those who prefer to save and choose the 100% naturally derived options, there is a simple solution with a similar effect and many other benefits. Get to know it.

Natural apple cider vinegar conditioner

Natural apple cider vinegar conditioner

The natural conditioner based on apple cider vinegar is an ecological alternative to strengthen and give a spectacular shine to the hair.

On several occasions we have highlighted the medicinal qualities of this ingredient. Among other things, it is also very useful in housework.

But, what many still do not know is that it can be used on the hair as a replacement for those commercial products that usually contain harsh chemicals.

The best thing is that you get another series of benefits that undoubtedly raise your advantages compared to others. In addition to softening and detangling the mane.

Fight dandruff

Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar is a great ally to reduce the presence of fungi that cause dandruff. In turn, it provides relief to those who have to deal with irritation and itching of the scalp.

Neutralizes the natural pH of the hair

Neutralizes the natural pH of the hair and helps fight dandruff

The alteration of the natural pH of the scalp can cause excess oil production or dryness. Unfortunately, many factors cause this imbalance, making hair look brittle. With the application of vinegar it can be restored quickly, achieving a pH between 4 and 5.5.

Seal cuticles

The cuticles of the hair are essential to retain the natural oils that keep it shiny and healthy. The compounds in vinegar favor its restoration. Sealing cuticles naturally without causing other types of alterations.

It stimulates hair growth

It stimulates hair growth

After being applied to the scalp, this ingredient stimulates blood circulation from the root of the hair, promoting normal growth.

It also eliminates the microorganisms that affect the state of the hair follicles, determining parts for strong and long hair.

Heal split ends

The constant use of this product improves the quality of the hair. Also, it  reduces the presence of those unsightly split ends.

How to make a natural apple cider vinegar conditioner?

First of all, it is essential to clarify that all these benefits can be obtained if you choose 100% organic apple cider vinegar. Unlike the one that goes through a refining process, this one perfectly preserves its vitamins, fiber and trace elements.

On the other hand, we want you to be calm because of the slight smell that it seems to leave. The truth is that this is disappearing as the hair dries.


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (40 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 spray bottle


  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the recommended amount of water and simmer it for 20 minutes.
  • When it’s ready, remove it and let it rest for at least 30 more minutes.
  • Then pour the liquid into a spray bottle to make it easier to apply.

Application mode

  • After rinsing your hair with your regular shampoo, spray the conditioner all over your hair before the last rinse.
  • Once you apply it all over, perform gentle circular massages all over the scalp.
  • Let it act for a few minutes and rinse.
  • You can use it every day or at least three times a week.

If your hair tends to be too greasy, we advise you to make a more concentrated conditioner. That is, with a little more vinegar. Of course, for no reason should it be applied undiluted because it can be aggressive.

So, make this natural conditioner a part of your routine. Check that for very little you can wear a healthier mane.

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