Do You Know Red Tea, Pu-erh?

Pu-erh red tea in the West is often referred to simply as “red tea.” Like other herbal teas, its consumption is recommended, as long as it is moderate and is included in a healthy lifestyle.

In the popular sphere it is often affirmed that it is one of the best infusions for health, given its supposed energizing effect. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has become a very fashionable drink in recent years.

It can be consumed both hot and cold and, in fact, many people combine it with pieces of fruit or even mix it in smoothies, in order to obtain a healthy drink. 

About pu-erh red tea

Pu-erh red tea is obtained from the same plant as green tea. The difference is that the first undergoes a fermentation process.

Like green tea, this drink has been considered to have slimming properties. However, this has not been scientifically proven. In fact, the idea most likely arose from the fact that this drink can help increase the frequency of urination and thereby reduce inflammation in the abdominal area, to some extent.

Keep in mind that no natural drink or food can be considered a cure for any condition. It is the set of good life habits that can provide multiple benefits to the body.

To consider

Although it is a healthy and recommended drink, the following should be kept in mind when consuming it:

  • Contains theine. In order to get an idea of ​​the amount of theine it contains, let’s compare the content of a cup of red tea with another of coffee.
    • Depending on its purity, a cup of coffee has about 90 mg of caffeine and a cup of red tea contains, on average, about 35 mg of theine. It is understood, therefore, that a moderate use should be made of red tea. This advice must be attended especially by pregnant women, hypertensive people and those who are sensitive to stimulants.

According to tea lovers, this drink should be enjoyed natural, that is, without  milk or sugar. Mixing it with milk would prevent the absorption of antioxidants. On the other hand, adding white sugar to tea, in addition to modifying its authentic flavor, will cause the liver to convert that glucose into fat. Therefore, they suggest that it is much richer and advisable to sweeten the red pu-erh tea with a little honey or a touch of sage syrup.

Enjoy your cup of natural red pu-erh tea whenever you want. 

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