Discover The 6 Great Benefits Of Board Games

From a young age, board games teach us the importance of knowing how to collaborate, as well as abiding by rules and accepting defeat as part of life, without frustration.

The creation of new teaching methods focuses on developing many board games that, far from being just simple leisure activities, instruct children and adults in educational values.

A good learning process is designed to acquire knowledge in a relaxed, enjoyable and, why not, fun way.

In this article we show you the benefits of board games according to science, so that you are encouraged to verify that it is possible to enjoy in a playful moment and  transmit such necessary values as honesty, discipline and respect for others.

1. They improve concentration

Play chess

Any work or training activity that we are doing requires a certain degree of concentration. Concentration is like a muscle in the body, which develops the more we exercise it.

An attention deficit affects any activity that we intend to carry out. For this reason, it is necessary to create methods such as board games with which, without being conscious, concentration is enhanced.

Among the benefits of games we can highlight this attention span, since the desire to win in the game forces us to be focused.

2. They teach to respect the rules

The order in any society of people implies accepting certain basic norms of conduct. In this sense, board games are based on an order for all participants. They are rules that each player must comply with.

Therefore, another benefit of board games is the honesty of abiding by the rules. Everyone has an equal chance of winning. Only the skill of the player will win the game.

It is interesting to know that, in a recent study, it was concluded that “board games can be effective instruments in teaching school children basic concepts in food, nutrition and health.”

3. They develop intellectual capacities

Board games to develop cognitive abilities.

There are so-called role-playing games, a variant in which the board game is sometimes brought into physical reality. The following skills are developed in them:

  • The ability to analyze a situation.
  • The strategy we must follow.
  • The evaluation of your conditions and resources.
  • The risk that must be taken to win the game.

In short, these types of games are a great intellectual stimulus. In this way, the imagination is opened and, being set in other times, they teach the general culture of other civilizations.

There is an infinite variety of role-playing games of different themes and levels that we can choose from to spend a constructive and educational afternoon with family or friends.

4. They promote group work

In many of these board games, games are played in teams. Competition between various groups forces collective decisions to be made. Therefore, trust in your partner is essential to win.

Another great benefit that these games bring us is to cooperate and learn to delegate decision-making to someone else, even when we do not agree. Teamwork will be more effective if there is harmony and harmony among all members of the group.

This very basic principle is a fundamental pillar in the structure of any company or organization. In them, the competencies of each sector are brought together for a common good.

5. Board games against frustrations

Children playing board games.

In this life it is essential to know how to lose. Accept your own defeat with sportsmanship and continue putting all our efforts in the next opportunity. We must learn to manage our state of mind when faced with frustration or how we react to the superiority of another.

The same happens in board games, when a better player leaves us behind in the game. The anger of having lost, the feeling of guilt or our own envy towards the winner are aspects of our personality that we must improve.

Ultimately, it helps us to accept, with humility, that  things will not always be under our control. This, in turn, is very valuable emotional intelligence work.

6. They drive decision-making

As in life itself, there come times when situations arise in which we must choose. The fact make decisions gives us self – confidence and some degree of value. Before a choice, many people are blocked or remain in a state of doubt that prevents them from deciding.

Board games, to a lesser degree, put  decision-making  into practice in situations of doubt. They force us to lead and take the risk of failure in the face of a wrong choice.

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