Did You Know What You Achieve By Adding Cinnamon To Your Plants?

Cinnamon is a species native to Sri Lanka. It has great properties applicable to health and beauty that have been confirmed by science.

Its uses in meals and desserts are well known because its flavor and aroma seduces everyone. It also has a huge impact when it comes to diseases like cholesterol and diabetes.

But today we are going to focus on its little known use in gardening. The versatility of this spice, extracted from the tree of the same name, can be an excellent ally when it comes to beautifying plants.

Uses of cinnamon in gardening

Powdered cinnamon can be used to treat a variety of gardening problems. Its application in plants can have surprising results.

As a natural fungicide, it can kill fungi, insects, protect seedlings, and help heal small wounds. In addition, it is natural, healthy and economical, which makes it the perfect element for the garden.

1. Control insects

Control insects

Cinnamon is great for humans, but not for insects. So, if you have ants or mosquitoes in your garden, do not despair: with just a little of this spice you can eliminate them.

To keep these pests under control you just have to spread a little cinnamon around the plant or wherever you want to eliminate their presence.

2. Eliminate fungi

Fungi are another of the enemies of good plant health. When you see traces of mold and fungus on your plants, just add a little cinnamon powder to prevent their growth and reproduction.

If the fungus problem is very aggressive, you will have to eliminate them from the plant. If they are in the ground, just change the soil and pot.

However, if the fungi are on the plant , put a little cinnamon powder to stop the appearance of this unwanted pest. Similarly, if they are in the soil, just add a little to the soil and you will see that this is enough to restore the health of your plants.

3. Eliminate disease

properties of cinnamon for the skin

When we grow fruits or vegetables, the last thing we want to see is seedling diseases that can prevent healthy and beautiful vegetables and fruits from sprouting.

Seeds or seedlings can be attacked by “fungal wilt”;  These are diseases that can be caused by different types of fungi or by poor soil conditions.

To face its dire consequences, you just have to add ground cinnamon in the compost or soil where the plantations are located.

4. Cinnamon for cuttings

Cinnamon for cuttings

If you are planting cuttings, do not use chemicals to stimulate rooting hormones. All you have to do is add  cinnamon powder on the stem to the cuttings that you want to root when planting them and that’s it.

Cinnamon is the perfect solution, plus you save money by not having to buy expensive products to help you plant your cuttings.

If you are reproducing your plants by cuttings and you have different types of gardening problems that are preventing good results, we are going to give you a recipe for a powerful fungicide whose main ingredient is cinnamon.


  •  ½ liter of water
  • 2 ground aspirin
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon (10 g)


  • Place all the ingredients in a container.
  • Let it rest for 12 hours.
  • After time, strain and place the water in another container.
  • Soak the cuttings in the resulting liquid for two hours.
  • Plant the cuttings as usual.

Aspirin will act as a rooting accelerator and cinnamon as a fungicide. If you have any excess liquid, discard it, because after use it cannot be kept.

5. Heal plant wounds

If you have done an excessive pruning or when removing the weeds you have been careless and have injured your plants, you can help them heal by placing cinnamon powder on the wound. This will prevent illness or damage and speed up your healing process.

All of these tricks are great to use in the garden. Plus, it’s a natural option and smells great. Do not hesitate to use it on your plants: you will notice how they grow much healthier and stronger. Make sure you have cinnamon powder in your pantry, it will solve many problems in your garden.

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