Curuba Or Tumbo: Properties And Contraindications

The curuba is the fruit of a climbing shrub that can be consumed and is capable of providing health benefits. It is a vegetable that grows in the Andes Mountains, so it is not very common on the European continent. However, it is possible to find it in stores specialized in exotic products.

The importance of consuming fruits on a regular basis is clear. These foods stand out for their fiber and phytonutrient content, which makes them allies when it comes to fighting the development of chronic and complex diseases.

Curuba benefits

Next we will discuss the main benefits of curuba consumption and what science thinks about it.

High content of vitamin C and antioxidants

As we mentioned, the curuba stands out for its phytonutrient content. These substances, like vitamin C, have a high antioxidant power.

Its regular consumption is associated with the ability to neutralize the formation of free radicals, which causes a lower risk of becoming ill. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Current Aging Science , in which the accumulation of reactive oxygen species is related to premature aging.

Vegetables in the diet with phytonutrients.

Improves healing

This property also depends on the vitamin C content of the fruit. This nutrient is capable of increasing the synthesis of collagen, one of the major proteins in the body. It is assumed that a better proportion of this compound would facilitate the healing process.

Also the carotenes found within the curuba are capable of stimulating healing. We must not forget that these are converted in the body into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for many functions that have to do with wound healing.

Curuba improves digestion

The fiber content of fruits impacts on digestive function. This class of food stands out for the presence of soluble fiber , capable of acting on the intestinal microbiota, improving its functions.

It has been shown that the regular intake of prebiotic compounds (soluble fiber) reduces the risk of developing digestive diseases, making the metabolism of nutrients more efficient.

Strengthens the immune system

Again we have to comment on a benefit derived from the contribution of vitamin C from the curuba. As evidenced by research published in the American Journal of Lifestlye Medicine , the regular intake of this nutrient reduces the risk of contracting infectious upper respiratory diseases (colds), while improving their management, through reduction in the time of persistence of symptoms.

Curuba reduces the risk of developing kidney problems

There is evidence that curuba is a fruit capable of reducing the incidence of liver and kidney problems. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids. Even curuba extracts are marketed aimed at improving the efficiency of these organs.

In any case, it should be noted that most of the tests carried out have been carried out on animals. For this reason, it is necessary to continue researching this in order to extrapolate the results to humans.

Reduces headaches and stress

Curuba infusions are used throughout the world to manage episodes of stress, due to its sedative power. Traditional medicine claims that it is also useful in preventing recurrent headaches.

It is considered a relaxing drink in anecdotal terms and it would calm certain anxious states. This is not certified by science, and in the most severe cases, medication will always be necessary, so curuba can only be considered an adjuvant and not a first-line treatment.

Headache and curuba effect.


Currently there are no contraindications in the consumption of curuba. In the case of being under treatment with medicines or in a situation of pregnancy, it is advisable to consult with the specialist before starting the consumption of the fruit as such or ingesting infusions of its plant.

Curuba is a beneficial exotic fruit

As you have seen, the curuba is an exotic fruit capable of providing health benefits derived from its nutrient content. It has a lot of phytonutrients with antioxidant capacity, plus vitamin C. These compounds are able to prevent premature aging from the neutralization of free radicals.

Keep in mind that to take advantage of all the qualities of fruits and avoid their contraindications, it is best to consume them after meals. In this way we ensure a slow gastric emptying that will allow the fructose they contain to be absorbed gradually.

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