Chicken With Mushrooms And Sauce, A Very Tasty Recipe

Chicken with mushroom recipes are very common in various regions of the world. However, there are some variations in the sauce with which they are served that give a different touch to the dish.

The sauces that accompany the mushrooms are usually white, although this varies according to the ingredients and the tastes of whoever prepares them. In general, they can be liquid or creamy. Let’s see some recipes.

Chicken with mushrooms and wine sauce


  • 2 boneless chicken breasts
  • ½ kilo of mushrooms
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • A glass of white wine (100 ml)
  • A tablespoon of mustard (15 g)
  • 1 large onion
  • A spoonful of chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of flour (10 g)
  • Salt and pepper

In general, any part of the chicken can be used to prepare this recipe .  However, we suggest using fillet breasts because they are easier to handle and eat.

Ingredients for the chicken with mushrooms


  • Knife
  • Frying pan


  • To start, take your chicken fillets, cut them into small, bite-sized squares and add the salt. In addition, chop the garlic and parsley as finely as possible. For the garlic we advise you to first cut small slices and then chop them into small squares. Then, when you have them chopped, mix them as best as possible with the mustard and pass the chicken through them, so that the two ingredients adhere. After this step, put the breast in the fridge and let it rest for a couple of hours so that the flavors are well integrated.
  • Then, in a frying pan, heat two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and fry the chicken until it is golden brown all over.
  • While your chicken is browning, you can take advantage of it to prepare the mushrooms. In a separate pan, heat a tablespoon of olive oil, chop the onion finely and fry it until it crystallizes. Then, once you have the onion at the expected point, add the sliced ​​mushrooms and let them cook together with the onion. Finally, after about 8 minutes, add the white wine and the tablespoon of sifted flour. Stir the contents until it thickens and forms an off-white sauce.
  • To finish, once the sauce is ready, you just have to pour it into the pan in which the chicken is browning. Let it cook for a few minutes . Stir so everything is incorporated properly.
  • Our chicken with mushrooms is ready for you to serve together with a garnish.

Cream for chicken with mushrooms

Cream for chicken with mushrooms


  • ½ kilo of mushrooms
  • 2 squares of butter (200 g)
  • 2 cups of heavy cream (460 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of flour (10 g)
  • ½ cup of chicken broth (120 ml)
  • Salt and pepper


  • To begin with, we assume that you are going to use the same amount of chicken as in the previous recipe. In this case we bring you another proposal for the sauce.  It’s also quick and easy to prepare, so pay attention.
  • First, melt the two squares of butter (although if they are very large, you should only use one). Also fry the mushrooms for a few minutes. Of course, you should avoid burning the butter. Then add the chicken broth and let it reduce. Stir to prevent the mushrooms or broth from burning.
  • Once the liquid in the broth has evaporated a bit, add cream and stir until thickened. To help you in this process, add a tablespoon of flour, take the opportunity to add the pepper and correct the salt. Do not stop stirring until you get the ideal consistency for the cream.
  • Then, when it reaches the desired point, remove it from the heat. Finally, once you serve the chicken on the plate, proceed to bathe it with your cream. You will see how the flavors mix very well, without stealing prominence with each other. Accompany with a delicious salad and that’s it. Ready this Creamy Mushroom Chicken for you to lick your fingers.

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