Causes And Natural Remedies To Treat Gray Hair

There are many factors that can influence the appearance of gray hair, from stress, through genetic factors, to emotional problems.

If you are starting to get gray or silver hair on your head, don’t get depressed! There are many natural remedies to treat gray hair.

Also, this does not mean that you have aged. As it was believed until a while ago, gray hair was synonymous with being in the third age. However, other causes for hair color change have been discovered.

Find out more in the following article, where we explain the causes and natural remedies to treat gray hair.

Why do gray hair appear?

Gray hair appears due to the wear of the hair follicles, that is, where the hair is born. Hydrogen peroxide accumulates, blocks the synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for giving color to our hair.

If you have bleached your hair, you will surely know that peroxide is one of the most used ingredients. The body produces it, but in small amounts.

As we age, the body itself increases that amount. Hair cannot repair on its own the damage from increased peroxide, due to the lack of enzymes (tyrosinases) that produce melanin.

Factors that contribute to the appearance of gray hair

Although age has a lot to do with this process, it is not the only one. There are other factors that play a role, such as genetics, stress, and diet.


Stress causes many ills in our body, both internally and externally. It produces neurotransmitters that can cause DNA damage. This could change, for example, the color of the hair.

Genetic factors

Pay attention and remember at what age your parents began to present gray hair. You will be surprised that it was in a time similar to yours. When the hair starts to turn gray is determined by genetics. If your ancestors suffered from premature gray hair, it is more likely that you too.

Unbalanced diet

Food is related to all the processes that occur in our body. It is vital then, to consume vitamin B12 to avoid suffering from white hair before the age of 50.

The foods that contain it the most are: eggs, salmon, sardines and tuna. In turn, consuming too much coffee, spices and fried foods could also advance this process.

Unhealthy habits and emotional problems

White hair is also the result of certain habits such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not playing sports, etc. On the other hand, big upsets or depressions can cause our hair to turn white before its time. In some cases, the color returns to “normal” after that particular situation has passed.


There are also other reasons why peroxide starts to build up and the enzymes don’t do their job well :

  • The hormones.
  • The weather.
  • Genetic defects
  • Pollutants.
  • Toxins.
  • Exposure to certain substances.

    Natural remedies to treat gray hair

    If you have white hair and do not want to dye it, you can take advantage of the following two home remedies to treat gray hair. They are made with easy and inexpensive ingredients:


    Massage the scalp with a little onion juice if you want to slow down the progression of gray hair. One of the enzymes in this vegetable, catalase, reduces the amount of hydrogen peroxide.

    This prevents it from accumulating in the hair follicles. Cut the onion as finely as you can and make a paste or you can rub half an onion over the skin of the head.


    Avocado mask to treat gray hair

    The avocado has many medicinal properties, due to the amount of healthy fatty acids it provides. In addition, it has minerals and vitamin E. The latter is moisturizing, restructuring and antioxidant, preventing hair aging.

    Open an avocado in half and place the pulp in a container. Apply to the scalp, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse. Then wash as usual.

    You know, if you have gray hair, take advantage of these natural remedies to treat gray hair. But remember, this does not mean that you are getting old. So you don’t need to worry. If you do, you may get more.

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