Boost Your Memory And Cognitive Function Naturally

Think for a moment about all the activities you do every day. All of them require you to be able to remember the steps to follow. Therefore, today we want to talk to you about the foods that will help you boost your memory. 

Memory is the ability of human beings to retain and remember lived events . Is considered  a mental process and one of the main functions of the human brain. The ability to remember occurs when there is a connection between neurons. 

For its part, the  cognitive function is the ability to remember and learn information . Also, it is the ability to solve problems, concentrate, maintain attention, use language, recognize the environment where we are and perform calculations.

In short: both allow us to carry out any task and function in the world around us. Therefore, it is important that you know how you can contribute to improving your memory through diet.

Memory functions

  • Encoding: information is encoded into sensory, semantic, or acoustic information through sounds, images, or experiences. 
  • Storage: once classified and encoded, the information is stored in short- or long-term memory.
  • Retrieval: it is the ability to retrieve information when we need it.

Memory is very complex. Generally, it is classified into three types:

  1. Sensory: It is one that allows us to record the information we perceive for a short period of time.
  2. Short term: It generates information about the environment that surrounds us but with a limited capacity. This information can disappear in a short time.
  3. Long-term: it can store information permanently. It has an unlimited capacity to store memories.

Foods to boost memory

Both memory and mental agility play a fundamental role in the life of any person . Thanks to it, we have the ability and facility to perform many tasks.

Ideally, keep those functions in perfect condition. Therefore, to enhance memory you can put into practice a series of healthy habits for your cognition.

One of those habits is eating. The brain, like other parts of our body, requires a series of nutrients  to function properly. In fact, our eating habits can prevent the development of diseases at an early age.

Woman in kitchen chopping vegetables to boost memory

In general, the lack or excess of different nutrients is the cause of the deterioration of the function of our brain.  Therefore, it is extremely important to know which foods are the most beneficial to enhance memory, concentration and good humor.

Whole grains

A good way for the brain to get energy is by eating foods with a low glycemic index. The reason is that they release sugar into the blood more slowly, allowing the mind to be more active during the day.

Whole grains have these characteristics and, in addition, they contain other nutrients that improve brain health.  Among the most important we have quinoa, whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread and brown rice.

Essential fatty acids

The body does not secrete essential fatty acids naturally, so they must be incorporated through the diet. These protect the brain and help keep it healthy.

Among the most important is Omega 3. We can find it in salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, anchovies, chia seeds, flaxseed, soy (and derivatives), pumpkin seeds and nuts.

Consuming these foods in adequate amounts helps cognitive brain health. This means that it helps to enhance memory and, therefore, to prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.


Cranberry is one of the best antioxidant foods that we can include in our diet on a regular basis.

For brain and memory care, we recommend the blueberry variety, since its components prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

Blueberries help us to enhance memory


Avocado is a complete food, rich in potassium, fatty acids and fiber. It also does not contain cholesterol and is rich in antioxidants that slow oxidative damage.

Consuming it in moderation helps energize the brain , to enhance memory and improve intellectual performance.

Olive oil

It has antioxidants, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins that improve mental work. They also reduce the risks of suffering cognitive impairment.

It is composed of essential fatty acids that favor the decrease of lipids in the blood and protect the main organs of the body. As if that were not enough, it is the main ingredient of the Mediterranean diet, one of the healthiest in the world.


The tomato has an effective antioxidant (lycopene) that protects cells against free radicals. Therefore, it helps to enhance memory and prevent disorders such as dementia.


This is one of the healthiest and most beneficial vegetables for the entire body. Contains essential minerals and antioxidants that prevent cell damage.

Thanks to its vitamin K content , by consuming it you will ensure that the brain remains active and that it performs its tasks properly.


Due to its antioxidant content, it reduces the damage caused by premature aging of the brain. For this reason, it helps to enhance memory and prevent its deterioration. It can be enjoyed as part of a stew, a chicken or vegetable broth, or simply in a green smoothie with apple and other organic ingredients.

Sage infusion

Sage acts on fats in the nervous system, preventing their oxidation. Helps protect cognitive function and prevents memory failure.

Sage infusion to prevent cognitive decline and boost memory

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the teas that incorporates a greater number of substances and properties. With regard to cognitive functioning, it is said that this substance can enhance memory and concentration, as well as spatial location.

L to Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a food very rich in omega 3, which is why it can be beneficial to strengthen cognitive abilities.

In general, it is recommended to consume these foods quite frequently in order to take advantage of all their benefits and properties.  Also increase your water intake to avoid dehydration, which is one of the most influential factors in mental fatigue.

Other healthy habits to boost memory 

Having a good intellectual capacity is important for every moment of our life , both in the student and professional stages.

Said capacity  it depends on good health and vitality of the brain. But we must bear in mind that like the rest of our body, gray matter also ages.

The brain has a great capacity to adapt, even in old age. This is called brain neuroplasticity and allows to increase cognitive capacity, learning and improve memory.

Here are some of the things you can do to promote the creation of new neural connections and unleash the full potential of your cognition. 

Perform physical exercise

In this way, we increase brain oxygenation and reduce the risks of suffering disorders that cause memory loss.

Exercise also increases the chemical effects in the brain necessary to protect neurons.

Sleep the necessary time

When there is insomnia, the brain does not function optimally and its abilities are diminished. Sleep is essential for the brain and learning.

Don’t steal time from social life and fun

People are social beings and social relationships stimulate the brain and cognitive ability. Those with an active social life have a slower level of memory impairment.

Controlling stress

Stress destroys brain cells and damages the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain where memories are formed  and the ancients are recovered.

Stressed woman at work

Eat well

As we have already exposed previously, the brain requires a good diet. For healthy and long-lasting energy, complex carbohydrates should be consumed, as well as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Train the brain

Like the rest of the body, the brain must be exercised to improve its ability to process and remember information.

Try to do exercises that get out of the ordinary and challenge the brain to create new brain pathways. 

Stop multitasking

This can slow down the brain, prone to forgetting and mistakes. It is better to focus on a single task.

Person in the car with the steering wheel full of notes written with things to do

Learn new skills

Find an activity that is stimulating to you. Participating in useful and meaningful activities stimulates the neurological system. It also lowers the risks of developing diseases like dementia and improves health and well-being.

Boost memory: Conclusions

In conclusion, you can improve memory in a healthy and totally natural way. You can start gradually implementing the advice that we have offered you. They have no side effects and can also bring you significant physical, cognitive and emotional benefits.

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