Best Tips To Lose Weight After The Holidays

To achieve weight loss after the holidays it is essential that we set realistic goals and that we can achieve them little by little so as not to get discouraged.

We know that coming back from our downtime is not an idea that we all like. Even less if we realize that during that period we gain a few kilos in the form of fat mass. However, there are some tricks that we can apply to lose weight after the holidays.

Next, we will share eight tips that we know will be useful when you start with the work of weight loss. Remember that if you have doubts, the best option is always to visit a specialist. The nutrition professional will be able to develop a nutritional guideline tailored to your individual needs.

Tips to lose weight after the holidays

Not all of these tips may suit you. Choose those that you think you can implement more easily, and do not hesitate to start applying them.

1. Adjust your mind to the process of change

Before beginning any dietary adjustments or starting an exercise routine, you need to take the time to really understand the changes you will be putting your body through in the coming months.

The easiest way to overcome the post-vacation syndrome that many people may experience is to implement a routine that is adapted to our new reality. Thus, the best way to make this change is by understanding that we will no longer find ourselves with so much free time.

It is time to work on our desire to meet a certain goal, such as losing weight or rejoining the work routine.

2. Exercise to lose weight after the holidays

Although it sounds illogical that we emphasize it, one of the pillars to lose weight after a free time is to return to exercise routines. Interval exercise has been shown to be the most effective in reducing body fat mass.

Remember that the idea is not to compete in a bodybuilding event as soon as you rejoin, but to get your body used to staying active with functional exercises again.

  • The first days you can spend 30 minutes walking with medium intensity.
  • Then, if possible, try to include weight training or outdoor activities. We are sure that your body will thank you.

3. Complement with a food routine

To lose weight after the holidays, combine your exercise routine with a healthy diet

In life, in everything we do, an 80-20 relationship is fulfilled. When you reach your ideal weight, the same thing happens. In order to lose weight after vacation, it is necessary to complement our exercise routine with a balanced diet.

  • We recommend moderating your carbohydrate intake and periodically eliminating processed food.
  • Avoid eating sugar and junk food.

Also, try intermittent fasting protocols. This type of process is effective for losing weight and reducing metabolic risk, according to research published in the journal Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.

4. Don’t forget to consume a lot of water

To lose weight after the holidays it is also important to consume a lot of water

One of the keys to speed up your metabolism and you can lose weight quickly is consuming enough water. We recommend gradually replacing the drinks with which you accompany your meals with water

5. The importance of the organization

The most normal thing is that when we rejoin our daily routine after a vacation, our schedule is a bit tight. When this happens, we may tend to skip meals or overeat.

So that this does not happen to you, we recommend that you organize yourself very well and prepare them in advance. In this way, you will have time to fulfill your obligations and make your 5 daily meals (breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack and dinner).

6. Put stress aside

To lose weight after the holidays, try to put stress aside

One of the primary factors in weight gain is the stress and overwhelming routines that certain individuals undergo. This is because anxiety and frustration levels are high under these regimens.

No matter how busy your schedule is, it is important that you dedicate at least one hour of the day to doing meditation and relaxation exercises. In this way, you will see that it will be very easy to lose weight after the holidays.

7. If you fall, make sure you get up

To err is human and you are no stranger to this statement. When you start a routine that in a way is completely different from what you are used to, it is normal that sometimes you think about throwing in the towel.

This is the most normal thing in the world, so we recommend not panic. When this happens to you, all you have to do is understand what your failure was and try again. Not for nothing is there a Chinese proverb that says “If you fall seven times, remember to get up eight.”

8. Set goals that you can achieve

To lose weight after the holidays, set goals that you can achieve

Not everything is as simple as we imagine it in our mind, we know that very well. But at the same time, we must know what we are capable of doing and achieving.

That is why we recommend making a list of goals that you know you can meet, even if the process to achieve them is a little longer than normal. You can accompany this list with motivational phrases that encourage you not to throw in the towel.

Extra tip

As soon as you arrive on vacation, on a blank sheet of paper, clearly state the goal you want to achieve. The more details you put in, the easier it will be to achieve it. Then break this goal down into several small goals that you can accomplish each day of your post-vacation time and add them to the calendar.

In this way, you will feel better internally knowing that your final goal is real and that you just have to put a little more effort and encouragement to achieve it.

It is possible to lose weight after the holidays

Although it may seem difficult, it is possible to reduce the pounds you have gained during the holidays once they are over. After that period of disconnection, return to the routine setting yourself achievable goals and organize yourself to achieve them.

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