Avoid Exhausting People, Surround Yourself With Someone Who Cheers Your Heart

There are people who exhaust us, who take away our energy and make us fight battles when we only want days of peace.

As curious as it may be to us,  so-called “saboteurs of happiness” exist in almost all of our personal realms. They are in the family, among friends and in the workplace.

Sometimes they display their toxic behaviors without realizing it. They need us, they seek support, advice, relief … Aspects that we could understand if this attitude were not a constant music, where, suddenly, blackmail and reproach appear.

We know that living together is not always easy. However, the essential thing in these cases is to know how to exercise adequate respect where we can safeguard ourselves and, at the same time, always look for people who inspire us and make our hearts happy.

People who burn out, sources of daily stress

All of us are constantly involved in multiple stressful situations.

Now, there is one aspect that we must be clear about. If there are people who exhaust us, suffocate us and alter our emotional balance, it is because we are “permeable”.

Each mind has a level of permeability or tolerance, and this will undoubtedly depend on our personality type.

  • Introvert profiles have a lower tolerance for situations of constant social interaction. They need, so to speak, adequate moments of solitude to “recharge” themselves.
  • More outgoing people seek more stimulation and generally tolerate and enjoy talking to lots of people, moving around in different areas, and organizing plans.
  • Now, the problem comes when introverts and extroverts must face these happiness saboteurs, these profiles that exhaust because they prioritize themselves.

They tire us with their criticism, their obsessions, their constant search to see problems where there are none.

Believe it or not, much of our stress is mainly focused on interactions with other people, with those who exhaust us in one way or another.

People who burn out, everyday sources of stress

Next, we explain what effects all this can have on your brain.

Negative interactions and brain consequences

In these situations the term “burn” acquires its full meaning. Let’s think of our brain as a wonderful neural network; an interconnected fabric where harmony reigns.

When we live in situations of continuous or chronic stress, this harmony is broken. What’s more, there are areas where it is even lost:

  • Elevated cortisol levels have a very negative effect on our brain.
  • The dendrites of our nerve cells in the hippocampus area break down. This occurs due to the alteration of neurotransmitters.
  • The dendrites are those “little arms” that join some neurons with others.
  • The higher the stress, the less connectivity in the hippocampus area, because many dendrites are broken and connectivity is disrupted.
  • We must remember that the hippocampus is that brain structure where our memory and emotions are housed.

All this explains why, in situations of anxiety or stress, people lose concentration. Another common aspect is, for example, experiencing apathy and negativity.

How to learn to be less “permeable” to people who burn out

It is not easy to learn to be less open to stressful situations. In the first place, because sometimes, our own negativity blocks us. We feel helpless.

How to react to that person who exhausts me if it is my mother? What if it’s my partner or my boss? They are, without a doubt, very delicate realities that require a lot from us.

Now, we can carry out these simple strategies.

I will prevent it from affecting me

It is possible that a friend or a family member calls you at every moment to tell you about their problems. One solution is to answer their calls only once every two days.

We must avoid feeling a bad conscience for setting limits. They may get angry once, twice or three times. However, little by little they will adapt to your barriers, to your personal walls.

Prevent exhaustion people from affecting me

Look for people who inspire you, who rejoice your heart

If part of your family or your coworkers exhaust you, rest with the people who do know how to make your heart happy.

  • Life is balance. So we have to work for that compensation. One thing for the other.
  • People who exhaust must be in the distance. If we are obliged to interact with them, we will do so by setting limits. Prioritizing ourselves and safeguarding our self-esteem.
  • Make sure that 70% of your time enriches you personally. To achieve this, do not hesitate to look for people who are really worth it, who inspire you, who give you security and positivity.
  • Surely in your work there are good colleagues and in your family there will be more than one person whom you adore.

Also, remember that people who exhaust themselves do not fit in love. Because whoever exhausts us does not love us, and consumes our spirits and even our health .

Do not forget.

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