Are Sugar-free Nougats And Sweets A Healthy Option?

Losing those extra pounds is a goal that involves making wise decisions about eating. Diets are usually restrictive and in the effort to make them a bearable process we can believe that sugar-free sweets and nougat are the best allies.

However, we assure you that this belief is not correct. Reducing our body size and seeking better health is the central focus, but this can only be achieved by maintaining a balanced diet, which does not contain excess chemical elements.

Don’t believe in products that are labeled “light,” “zero,” or “sugar-free.” It is false that they do not gain weight or that they gain less weight than their counterparts. Nor is it entirely true that they are healthier or that you can eat them in greater quantities.

Light and zero is not equal to healthy

Many sugar-free candies or nougats come with these adjectives. On its packaging the word “light” or “zero” attracts people’s attention. The explanation is basic, the large industries have implied that since sugar is bad for health, it is best to consume these alternative products.

However, the truth is that the industry created these concepts for those who cannot consume many calories because they must take care of their health and fitness.

Light and zero foods.

Remember that consuming fewer calories does not imply a better nutritional contribution. Products that do not have sugar in their composition have other elements that make them palatable. For example: refined flours, starches or poor quality fats. In other words, they do contain fewer calories, but at the cost of other harmful substances.

They also add sweeteners to maintain sweetness. However, although it seems like a good option, this has many negative consequences. Sweeteners can affect the intestinal flora, produce metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases,  according to research published in the journal  Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Sugar-free sweets and nougats make you unconsciously want to consume more and this causes anxiety to eat more caloric foods.

Some facts about sugar-free nougat

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) of Spain, which has 3,000 members, published a study after comparing the nutritional composition of a sugar-free nougat with a traditional one. The results showed the following:

  • A traditional nougat contains 4.5% less fat than its version without sugar.
  • The difference in the amount of sugar between the common version and the “light” version is 91%.
  • Sugar-free nougats only reduce their caloric value by 11%.

Nougat without sugar.

According to these data, it would not hurt to take considerations about the consumption of these nougats. In that sense, you can eat the traditional version of these desserts in moderation, since those without sugar can contain exorbitant amounts of trans fats.

These last lipids can also be harmful to health, in the same way as simple sugars. In the current scientific literature you can find several studies that affirm its negative effects on health in the medium term.

Other considerations

As we saw, it is not unreasonable to say that nougats and sugar-free sweets are almost as fattening as their traditional versions. Yes, there is a difference between one and the other, but not so much as to think that one of them will not get fat.

On the other hand, it cannot be said that one is healthier than the other, since they basically contain the same amount of trans fats. As for whether sugar-free nougats can be consumed in greater quantity, the answer is negative.

Are sugar-free sweets and nougat a solution?

The nutritionist and writer Aitor Sánchez explained in an article called Nougat and sugar-free sweets: are they a healthy option? that these foods are harmful to health. It suggests that the substitution of sugar for sweeteners or fructose produces long-term disorders in the well-being of the body.

It states that sweeteners keep the consumer accustomed to the sweet taste. Similarly, he clarifies that fructose does not provide many advantages, but rather it is a sugar that should be limited as much as possible.

Chocolate nougat with nuts.

In this sense, we must consider that these products are not a totally healthy option. Investigating and finding out about each of them is the ideal way to know what we are consuming. Remember that a balanced diet offers several opportunities for snacks. It may well be nuts or fruits, just to name a few.

This does not mean that you should eliminate sugar-free nougat and other sweets from your life. They can be part of a balanced diet, without excesses.

Sugar-free sweets should be eaten in moderation

In any case, if you have doubts about whether sugar-free sweets can be integrated into your eating plan or not, consult a nutritionist. He will give you the appropriate answers. In general, remember the importance of prioritizing the consumption of fresh foods over ultra-processed foods, whether or not they have carbohydrates in their composition.

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