Apply This Homemade Preparation Around Your Eyes And Wake Up Without Dark Circles

Dark circles are one of the aesthetic problems that most affect the population. These reflect lack of sleep, exhaustion, stress, and some types of illness.

Most of them can be seen with the naked eye, since they form as a dark spot around the eyes, often accompanied by the popular bags.

They give a tired appearance to the skin and, over time, they become an early sign of aging and are very difficult to fade.

Many choose to hide them each day with a little makeup, as this helps to give a more uniform and fresh tone to the skin.

However, this trick is not enough to reduce them from their source and, after the end of the day, we will notice that they continue to affect the beauty of the skin.

Fortunately, there are 100% natural methods that activate circulation in the area to increase the oxygenation of the cells and the total reduction of those dark circles.

Here we want to share a very interesting one that, after applying it at the end of the day, allows you to look younger and more radiant the next morning.

Homemade preparation to reduce dark circles

This homemade preparation to combat dark circles is obtained from a combination of healthy ingredients such as cucumber, potato and the prodigious honey.

It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory treatment that, among other things, also reduces the size of bags and those small fine lines known as expression lines.

Cucumber benefits

Cucumber benefits

Cucumber, a vegetable made up of more than 90% water, acts as a refreshing and astringent, suitable for all skin types.

It has always been used as a base for the production of cosmetics, since it activates circulation, promotes relaxation and is one of the best natural moisturizers.

Clarifying and repairing properties are also attributed to it, ideal for minimizing the size of dark circles and dark spots.

In addition, it contains vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants that fight the negative action of free radicals to prevent premature aging.

Potato benefits

The natural juice of potatoes is a natural anti-inflammatory that confers many benefits to the skin. Its local application is one of the most effective remedies against dark circles and bags.

It has an astringent and moisturizing action that promotes blood flow around the eyes for a fresh and rested look.

Benefits of honey from bees

Honey from bees.  Eyes

Honey is a skin moisturizer that, in addition to helping to clarify, reduces inflammation and increases oxygenation.

Its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants creates a protective barrier around the eyes, and reduces the negative effects of free radicals and sun rays.

It also revitalizes tired skin, so it is recommended for those who did not have a good night and want to show off a brighter face.

How to make this homemade preparation for the eye contour

By incorporating this preparation into your beauty routine, you will notice in a matter of days that it is a great solution for dark circles.

Its properties will keep the skin moisturized and, incidentally, will prevent the formation of bags, spiders and other imperfections.


  • ½ cup of cucumber juice (125 ml)
  • ¼ cup of potato juice (62 ml)
  • ¼ cup of honey (83 g)


  • Get half a cup of cucumber juice, either with a juicer or blender.
  • Mix it with a quarter cup of potato juice, then add the honey.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous paste, pack it in an airtight glass jar.

How to use

  • Thoroughly clean the areas you want to treat, remove all makeup trash and apply a thin layer of the product.
  • Let it work for 20 minutes and store the remaining product in the refrigerator.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and repeat every night.

Although with the first application only a small decrease in dark circles is achieved, with the passage of days you will see a notable improvement.

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