How Often Should We Wash The Sheets And Towels?

We must not be mistaken and think that because we use the towel after showering it is not necessary to wash it. It should be done once a week and dried in the sun and in the air.

How often should we wash the sheets and towels? Without becoming a fan of cleaning, or forgetful that we must set an alarm to change the sheets, we can comply with the hygiene of these essential elements of the home.

It prevents so-called “white clothes” from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria, mites and dirt. To help you, below we will talk about how often sheets and towels should be washed.

What microorganisms accumulate in bedding?

Bed in bedroom

You need to know what microorganisms can accumulate on bedding or the one you dry on after bathing. Yes, it is necessary, because in this way you will understand the importance of good hygiene in these garments.

Among the fabrics of any material there may be:

  • Hairs
  • Dust
  • Dandruff
  • Mites
  • Mushrooms
  • Dirt
  • Bacteria
  • Dead skin
  • Leftover creams
  • Tiny insects
  • Leftover makeup
  • Animal and plant particles
  • Dry secretions (for example, sweat or saliva)

How often should we wash the sheets and towels?

Women’s Health magazine conducted a survey asking women how often they changed or washed certain items in the house. 16% of those surveyed acknowledged that they only changed the sheets once a month and a third never changed or cleaned the pillows.

Along with them, the quilts and bedspreads are the worst. They are usually washed once a year, just when the season changes, and are stored in the closet because the heat begins. This way it is bagged clean and ready to use when winter returns. And what happens during the months with low temperatures? Don’t you need to clean them too? Apparently, in the collective imagination, no.

Something different happens, for example, with cushions or sofa covers. Why? Because they are more visible. But only when the color is clear. Otherwise, years can go by without even vacuuming to remove accumulated dust or food debris.

Sheets and towels benefit the most, since hopefully their owners remember to change them once a month or every 21 days.

The director of clinical microbiology at Langone Medical Center in New York indicated in the same survey that sheets should be washed at a minimum once a week. This frequency of washing should be higher if someone in the family is sick, sleeps naked or if the temperatures are very high.

What about other fabrics in the house?

You not only have to wash sheets and towels because they are a source of viruses and bacteria. Other objects that we use every day get dirty and can transmit diseases.

Kitchen rags

We finish washing the dishes and to store them we dry them with a cloth. The same one we use to dry the table or countertop. This is something really common, but wrong. Did you know how many germs will remain on your cutlery after having contact with that same cloth?

In a study conducted by the University of Arizona, it was found that most kitchen towels contained coliform bacteria and that a quarter of them tested positive for Escherichia coli.

Dishcloths are among the most exposed to microorganisms because many foods are raw in the kitchen. According to experts, they should be washed after each use with a disinfectant solution. And also put them in the washing machine once a week with baking soda instead of soap.

Bath mat

When we get out of the shower we use it so as not to wet the entire floor. As we have just bathed, we believe that it is clean and all we think about is that it dries well for its next use. However, in most cases it remains in the same place and we step on it with the same footwear with which we go out on the street.

It is therefore recommended to wash the mat every week or fortnight. If the bathroom is very humid we will shorten it to twice a week. You can have a spare and go swapping.

Bathroom towels

They are very thick and are intended to dry us completely. For this reason, they often have a musty smell. In addition to washing them once a week or every three uses, it is advisable to do it with vinegar instead of fabric softener. This product reduces the absorbent capacity of the towel. Leaving them in the sun can be a good idea too.


They accumulate dust and are in contact with microorganisms that fly around the house and outside. If you have a pair of curtains for winter and another for summer, wash each kit at the end of the season. In the event that they are the same, you should not only do a deep cleaning twice a year, but it is advisable to vacuum them to leave them free of dust and pathogens.

Face towels

An effective trick that will leave your old towels like new

Of course, they are also full of bacteria no matter how much we use them once our hands and face are clean. And, what is worse: every time you use it you are putting bacteria back on the skin.

Although experts say that face towels should be washed after each use (somewhat like being disposable), they can be left in the sun to kill certain microorganisms.

You will no longer have doubts about how often you should wash sheets and towels. Take these tips into account and kill those nests of bacteria, mites and dirt.

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