Spray Against Mites

Dust allergy is caused by small microorganisms known as dust mites, according to these data obtained by the Mayo Clinic. This allergy causes symptoms such as stuffy nose, frequent sneezing, runny nose, cough, itchy nose, eyes and, in the worst cases, asthma episodes.

Mites belong to the arachnid group, as they are distantly related to spiders and scorpions. They are found in virtually every corner of the average home and we are likely surrounded by them right now.

The species that invades our homes and is responsible for allergies and respiratory problems are dust mites or house mites. Now, to combat these organisms you have to know a little more about them.

Where are mites found?

Image of mites

Another remedy is to spray essential oils such as lavender and bay leaf into the air in the room daily to ensure that fresh air is breathed free of annoying particles, according to research conducted by the Austral University of Chile. Also, the smell is very pleasant.

On the other hand, essential oils are highly concentrated substances, during their application they can cause irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply them in moderation and be done by people who do not suffer from any allergies.

Prevent the appearance of mites


It is essential to clean and prevent the appearance of new mites. Therefore, some changes must be made in the home to prevent its proliferation. Here are some tips:

  • Keep humidity low, below 50%. The frequent use of a dehumidifier in the bedrooms will reduce the chances of developing a dust allergy, according to this study carried out by the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room. Opening windows is a good way to prevent dust particles and mites from building up. It is enough to air the house about 15 minutes a day.
  • You have to let the sun into the room. Keeping the room well lit can help prevent mites from developing, although there is no scientific evidence to support this.
    • It is necessary to wash the sheets and curtains at a high temperature, higher than 60ºC, according to this study published by the Chilean Journal of Respiratory Diseases. This ensures that all mites are eliminated.
    • Cleaning the mattress is important because it is where the most time is spent in contact with the mites and, probably, where there is more concentration. Make sure to vacuum every so often.
    • Carpets and other shelters for mites can be removed.

    Eliminating house mites is a simple task but, to be effective, it must be constant. For this reason, it is necessary to periodically clean the most critical parts of the house : mattress, sheets and carpets, since in these places there is a higher concentration of these microorganisms.

    Above all, cleaning is recommended in spring and autumn, since they are the seasons where annoying mites usually appear.

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