Skip Breakfast, Are You Fattening?

We show you why skipping breakfast can have positive health consequences

Until a few years ago, specialists argued that not having breakfast could intervene in weight gain . However this theory is totally out of date.

Nowadays intermittent fasting is an excellent strategy to reduce body weight without overeating. They are suitable for a large number of people and easy to carry out.

To eat or not to have breakfast?

Breakfast is usually one of the most conflictive meals from the point of view of the quality of the food consumed. In many homes it is common to eat cookies or other bakery products rich in sugars and not very suitable for health first thing in the morning.

Not eating food first thing in the morning is an advantage when it comes to taking advantage of the circadian cycles of growth hormone. In addition to reducing the number of calories per day, we will be promoting lipolysis processes that promote the loss of fat tissue.

In addition, in recent years, numerous studies have come to light that relate fasting with the improvement of insulin resistance and with the prevention of the appearance of complex diseases in the medium term.

With this we do not say that it is wrong to have breakfast. A good breakfast can be an interesting meal as long as it is rich in fruits and vegetables, protein foods and good quality fats. However, it is better to skip breakfast if it is based on processed foods or if it is simply intended to reduce the total calories in the diet.

To eat or not to have breakfast

If you don’t eat breakfast, does your appetite increase?

Proponents of the 5 meals a day make the argument that large numbers of small volume meals reduce the likelihood of appetite and snacking between meals.

But really this association is not that simple. The appetite is conditioned by several factors. One of them is stomach distention, but there are other hormonal ones.

The hormone that stimulates the appetite is ghrelin, whose concentration is positively related to the secretion of growth hormone. When we wake up, the levels of both hormones are high. This greatly favors the use of fatty deposits as the main energy substrate.

As the morning progresses, ghrelin, which has a circadian rhythm conditioned in part by the level of circulating glucose, begins to decline. Therefore the appetite is reduced until noon, when the concentrations of this hormone would be high again.

We can also carry out an appetite suppressant strategy first thing in the morning. A fairly effective one consists of ingesting a single coffee. This substance has an anorexigenic character that effectively reduces appetite within minutes of consumption.

In this way we can skip breakfast and arrive at noon without feeling hungry or feeling anxious or unwell. If we add to this the possibility of being busy working or doing some activity, the chances of suffering from appetite decrease.

It is not necessary to fast every day

Fasting is an effective strategy, but you don’t have to do it every day of the week. Although its use should not be in order to compensate for excesses, we can decide when to use this strategy based on our needs.

For example, it is not interesting to fast if a physical activity will be carried out immediately above 60% of the individual’s capacity. Nor should this strategy be applied in pregnant women who need a more constant supply of nutrients.

In healthy individuals, you can choose to fast a certain number of days a week, fixed or variable. It is a dietary protocol that can be extended for life and that brings multiple health benefits. Many of them are associated with weight loss and many others with the hormonal processes of homeostasis that occur during the fasting period.

A double problem for those who want to lose weight

Do not eat breakfast in athletes

Fasting can also be beneficial for athletes. For endurance athletes, there is much benefit to be gained from fasting training.

This practice has been carried out for years in the competitive elite as it improves the efficiency of obtaining energy. By subjecting the body to a physical effort without the usual amount of glucose in the blood, it is forced to improve the efficiency of the oxidation of lipids for energy purposes. 

Additionally, fasting training has been shown to increase selective mitochondrial reproduction. Mitochondria are responsible for cellular respiration and the number of them is related to sports efficiency.

However, this fasting training strategy should only be put into practice in endurance athletes who are going to make an effort less than 60% of their capacity. Strength training without full glycogen stores and without the necessary amount of glucose in the blood can increase the risk of muscle injury.

Not having breakfast takes away our strength


A healthy breakfast can also be a good option for weight loss

Despite the fact that skipping breakfast significantly reduces the total calories in the diet, a good breakfast is not contraindicated in a weight loss regimen. 

The fact of replacing industrial pastries with fresh foods also supposes a significant decrease in caloric intake.

Including a breakfast based on dairy, fruits, vegetables, good-quality fats, protein, and low-glycemic carbohydrates can be a great way to start your day.

License to eat (or have breakfast)

Do not eat breakfast, do you get fat ?: conclusion

Skipping breakfast can be an interesting weight loss strategy. However, it is necessary to turn to a specialist before putting this habit into practice as it may not be advisable for everyone.

If you are a healthy adult, intermittent fasting is likely an interesting protocol for you. Even athletes can benefit from skipping breakfast!

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