How To Deal With Nausea In Pregnancy

To deal with nausea in pregnancy it is very important to know what foods or smells trigger it and, as far as possible, to keep the room well ventilated to avoid intense aromas.

Although not all women suffer from gestational nausea in the same way , it is true that it is one of the most common symptoms during the first trimester. Sometimes it can occur until after the 20th week of pregnancy. However, it is possible to deal with nausea in pregnancy; the key is to eat a balanced diet and see a doctor when necessary.

The cause of nausea is really a combination of different factors. These act on the woman’s body at different levels. This symptom is present in 70% of pregnant women, causing between 30 and 50% of cases to end up in vomiting.

One of the causes of morning sickness is the release of higher amounts of hormones. This is the case of progesterone or human chorionic gonadotropin; the latter increases considerably during the first months of pregnancy. And this is evidenced by this article published in the journal Matronas ProfesiĆ³n .

In addition, its presence in the body usually coincides with the onset dates of dizziness and vomiting. For its part, stress is a psychological factor associated with this type of symptoms  and which is usually common among pregnant women.

Tips for dealing with nausea in pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy

Although the majority of pregnant women overcome these symptoms after 12 weeks of gestation, it is possible that later they appear again. At worst, they can persist until the moment you give birth. If so, it is best to visit your doctor to start a treatment to help you deal with nausea in pregnancy.

It is important to remember that nausea and vomiting disappear when your body manages to regulate the level of hormones during pregnancy. However, likewise, there are certain steps you can take to deal with nausea in pregnancy.

1. Eat healthy

The first point that you must take into account to deal with nausea in pregnancy is that it appears when the stomach is empty or you have eaten excessively. It is best to follow a balanced diet based on your caloric requirements and those of the baby.

In general,  you should follow a balanced and varied diet. This should include the following elements:

  • Cereals.
  • Proteins, both animal and vegetable.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits of the season.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Healthy fats like omega 3, 6 and 9.
  • Dairy products and their derivatives.

Similarly, you should stay away from caffeine, alcoholic beverages, and saturated fat. That is, your diet should be as healthy as possible. Remember that a new person grows within you. Its development depends, to a large extent, on what you eat.

Just as you should eat healthy, it is also necessary that you have the following considerations during your meals:

  • Establish a meal schedule.
  • Make 3 strong meals and 2 snacks.
  • Don’t eat in a rush. Spend time with each of your meals.
  • Avoid staying for many hours without eating.
  • Dinner early and don’t forget breakfast.

2. Chew slowly to deal with nausea in pregnancy

Pregnant in fridge with fruit

It doesn’t matter how hectic your day is. When eating, you must dedicate 100% of your concentration and, above all, of your time. Meal should be a relaxing time. Otherwise, you will have poor digestion and will probably feel nauseous when you finish your food.

If you chew slowly, you will be able to crush the food in your mouth. Therefore, when reaching the stomach, it should not spend as much energy in undoing what the teeth have not processed. In addition, chewing slowly calms down and alleviates the possible stress that you may have at that time.

3. Stay hydrated

If you have an upset stomach and began to feel nauseous, it is very likely that you will lose a lot of fluids and become dehydrated, as evidenced by this study published in the journal Medicine . Therefore, it is highly recommended that you drink plenty of water, tea infusions or ice cubes to replenish your body and help you feel better. Try to drink liquids little by little, so as not to stimulate the urge to vomit.

4. Avoid strong smells to deal with nausea

You may think that taking a bubble bath may be a good option for dealing with nausea in pregnancy. However, during pregnancy the sense of smell is greatly intensified. As a result, smells that you once found pleasant in pregnancy can make you want to vomit.

Too strong perfumes will make your stomach feel worse. In general, avoid fragrances with very strong aromas. The sense of taste and smell are connected, so a strong smell will make you feel just as dizzy as a bad taste.

Therefore, it is best to always keep the windows open to allow fresh air to pass through and avoid nausea from strong odors.

5. Avoid hot environments

To deal with nausea in pregnancy,  it is best to avoid very closed spaces and hot environments. In the same way, it is important that when dressing you choose clothes that keep you fresh.

Heatstroke can be very common during pregnancy  and, in large part, this is due to the hormonal changes that occur at this stage. Also, high temperatures can cause dizziness and nausea.

6. Control your mind

The mind is in control of the body. To deal with nausea in pregnancy, it’s important to put anxiety and worry aside. Remember that stress can cause and even intensify nausea and dizziness. If you feel very overwhelmed, it is best to do a relaxing activity, such as meditation or yoga for pregnant women.

When it comes to nausea in pregnancy …

deal with nausea in pregnancy

Nausea and vomiting usually appear during the first three months of pregnancy, but in some cases they last and can become an inconvenience to gain weight. If this is your case, you should not be alarmed. Nature is wise and your body would not provoke any reaction to harm your baby, but it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If a pregnant woman cannot feed normally due to nausea and vomiting, the baby will continue to grow. It will do so by extracting the essential substances from the reserves of the maternal organism. Therefore, remember that with a good diet and taking into account the recommendations of your doctor you can deal with nausea in pregnancy without any problem.

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