4 Alternative Treatments To Control Snoring

Snoring can be caused by certain health or lifestyle problems. Therefore, some alternative treatments can help control its causes. Know what they are.

Controlling snoring in a natural way is the goal not only of those who suffer from it, but, above all, of those who sleep with them. In addition, snoring on a daily basis could be linked to other health problems, such as cardiovascular or respiratory disorders.

In this article, we share some alternative treatments whose properties have been studied, although their use, in some cases, responds to merely anecdotal data. Learn what they are and see their benefits to control snoring and avoid other more invasive options.

Treating snoring

Snoring occurs as a result of the vibration of the passage of air through the tissues of the throat and into the lungs. Although all people experience them from time to time, the truth is that it can also indicate the existence of respiratory or health problems in general.

According to a publication from the Mayo Clinic, some initial recommendations from the doctor to treat this condition can be to lose weight, treat nasal congestion, avoid sleeping on the back, among others. However, when this problem is also accompanied by obstructive sleep apnea, the recommendations are as follows:

Sleeping woman with apnea mask to control snoring

  • Oral artifacts. These are pieces that are inserted into the mouth to keep the airways open.
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This option is a mask that is placed over the nose and mouth so that air can pass through more easily. This is the most effective method for treating sleep apnea.
  • Upper airway surgery. There are several procedures that can open the airways and prevent them from narrowing when sleeping.

Alternative treatments to control snoring

Snoring is a very common problem that can disturb the sleep of the person suffering from it. As we mentioned, this condition can occur due to health problems, but also due to bad habits or postures at bedtime. If this is your case, we show you 4 alternative treatments to control snoring.

1. Eat a low sodium diet

Although there are not enough studies in this regard, a diet low in sodium and rich in diuretic foods is proposed . This, according to research published in the journal Trials , would be beneficial in controlling snoring because it could reduce the content of body fluids, which are linked to worsening sleep apnea.

When lying down, these fluids travel from the legs to the neck. Therefore, combating fluid retention can provide relief from this problem. To do this, you can include the following guidelines in your eating routine:

  • Avoid consuming salt as much as possible. Instead, try seasoning with spices, herbs, garlic, onion, lemon, and more.
  • Do not consume processed foods, such as sauces, soups, cold cuts, canned food, soy sauce, cheese, among others.
  • Increase the intake of fruits, salads and vegetables in general.

2. Consume ginger, turmeric, and garlic


Second, ginger, turmeric, and garlic stand out for their anti-inflammatory properties. According to a study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine , consuming them regularly could help improve the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

These foods can be incorporated into the diet in infusions or shakes. In the case of turmeric, it can be consumed in golden milk, a very popular drink for the benefits it brings to the body. Another way to obtain the properties of these 3 foods is through supplements.

3. Avoid alcohol consumption

You may not have heard it before, but one of the alternative treatments to control snoring is to avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed. This, like sedatives, has a relaxing effect on the muscles in the back of the throat, increasing the chances of snoring.

In fact, a study published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine on the effects of alcohol consumption on sleep quality, mentions that, among the factors that disturb rest, snoring, in particular, is related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages .

4. Hypnotherapy

Woman in therapy

Hypnotherapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses guided methods of relaxation and intense concentration to get the person to focus on specific thoughts. Until recently, it was used as an alternative treatment for alcoholism and weight loss.

However, research in the Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine , indicates that this hypnosis technique could help the person turn around when they start snoring. This would be achieved by practicing self-hypnosis and, over time, it would reduce the intensity and duration of snoring. 

Now that you know these natural options to control snoring, feel free to make some changes in your diet and avoid some habits , as well as the possibility of trying hypnotherapy to get results. Go ahead and try them and take advantage of their benefits to get a better rest.

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