6 Natural Treatments That Help Dissolve Blood Clots

According to some beliefs, the consumption of certain foods, within a balanced diet, could help dissolve blood clots and improve cardiovascular health. 

According to popular wisdom, there are several natural ingredients that can help dissolve blood clots. Are you curious about it? Don’t worry, we will present them to you in detail below.

A blood clot is a mass formed by the clumping of platelets or red blood cells when a blood vessel is injured or ruptured.

Clotting is a normal body process that prevents excessive blood loss in cases of bleeding. However, it can be quite dangerous when it occurs inside healthy vessels, or when it does not dissolve after having fulfilled its function.

As a consequence, this  triggers interruptions or blockages in the flow of the blood, or which increases the risk of suffering diseases and serious damage to tissues and organs.

What do you do when blood clots are diagnosed?

According to experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when a person has blood clots (venous thromboembolism), the doctor may prescribe blood-thinning medications. 

Additionally, the doctor may recommend that the patient modify their lifestyle habits, so that they can improve in the shortest possible time.

In this sense, it must be taken into account that a healthy lifestyle and, above all, a good diet is capable of providing multiple benefits to the entire body.

To complement the diet, there are those who consider that it may be valid to resort to some natural ingredients, since due to their composition, they could help dissolve blood clots.

1. Ginger to dissolve clots

Fresh and ground ginger root.

Ginger is a root that is made up of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant compounds that help thin the blood to stop clots from forming. This root is well known for being an excellent stimulant of blood flow. On the other hand, its components help to maintain the elasticity of the arteries.


  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g).
  • 1 cup of water (100 ml).


  • Pour the grated ginger into a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover the infusion and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Drink in moderation.
  • It is not recommended to drink more than 3 cups a day. 

2. Clove

According to some hypotheses, cloves concentrate large amounts of polyphenols, anticoagulant substances that help maintain optimal blood circulation. These antioxidants, added to its vitamins and minerals, prevent the accumulation of lipids and toxins in the blood, which can cause obstruction.


  • ½ teaspoon of cloves (2.5 g).
  • 1 cup of water (100 ml).


    • Pour the cloves into a cup of hot water and cover the drink.
    • Wait for it to cool for 10 minutes and filter it with a strainer.
    • Drink up to 2 cups of clove infusion a day.

    3. Ginkgo biloba

    Ginkgo biloba leaves are said to be rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that may promote a healthy circulatory system, even helping to dissolve blood clots.


    • 1 tablespoon of ginkgo biloba leaves (10 g).
    • 1 cup of water (100 ml).


    • Add a tablespoon of ginkgo biloba leaves to a cup of boiling water.
    • Cover the drink with a lid, let it sit for 10 minutes and strain it.
    • Drink in moderation.

      4. Witch hazel

      According to popular wisdom, regular consumption of witch hazel infusion would help restore blood circulation by dissolving the small clots that are causing obstructions in the vessels. This plant acts as a tonic in the veins and, among other things, reduces inflammation.


      • 1 tablespoon of witch hazel (10 g).
      • 1 cup of water (100 ml).


      • Pour a tablespoon of witch hazel into a cup of water and bring it to a boil, over low heat, for 5 minutes.
      • When it’s ready, let it sit at room temperature and strain it.
      • Drink a cup of infusion a day.

      5. Artichoke

      Due to its high water content and diuretic effect, it is considered that this food could help dissolve blood clots.


      • 1 artichoke (50 g).
      • 3 cups of water (300 ml).


      • Cut an artichoke into several pieces and bring it to a boil in a pot of water.
      • When it comes to a boil, reduce the heat and leave it for 3 to 5 more minutes.
      • Cover the drink and wait for it to sit at room temperature.
      • Drink a maximum of two cups a day.

      Artichoke drink.

      6. Cayenne pepper

      Cayenne pepper contains a natural phytochemical, known as piperine, to which anticoagulant properties are attributed. This substance balances the flow of blood in the body and prevents the obstruction and narrowing of the veins.


      • 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (2.5 g).
      • 1 cup of water (100 ml).


      • Add the cayenne pepper to a cup of hot water.
      • Let the drink sit until it is lukewarm.
      • Drink a cup every day.

      Do you have to consult with the doctor first?

      Yes. Before using any natural remedy, it is important that you consult with your doctor, in order to avoid unfavorable reactions. Especially if you are under some type of drug treatment that includes blood-thinning medications.

      As mentioned on other occasions, the doctor will be the one who can better guide you about what is best for your health and what is not, depending on your current condition.

      In case the doctor approves the consumption of a natural remedy, do not forget that it is not convenient to combine all these infusions at the same time. Try just one first and see how your body reacts. In case you observe any unfavorable reaction, discontinue its use.

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