Have You Reached Your Ideal Weight? Learn To Maintain It!

To maintain your ideal weight, you do not need to follow strict and restrictive diets. In fact, the main recommendation made by nutrition experts is that you adopt a balanced diet, according to the body’s requirements and maintain it over time. That is, always eat well, not just because you want to lose weight.

Although many think that keeping weight is synonymous with suffering, it is really just about adopting healthy habits. Although it is difficult to abandon bad habits, gradually introducing changes helps to maintain and improve the figure.

Tips to maintain your ideal weight

The ideal weight is a matter that varies depending on each person and, in turn, depending on their age, sex, health status, among other factors. To better determine this measurement, it is best to consult with your doctor.

It is easy to regain the lost kilos when certain care and habits are not taken into account. Therefore, we are going to review some key recommendations to keep the weight off.

To do physical exercise

Exercising is good for controlling cholesterol.

Regular physical exercise is one of the best habits to maintain your ideal weight. Not only does it help to burn extra calories, but it improves the functioning of the metabolism and has positive effects on physical and mental well-being.

This study by the University of Maastricht has revealed that people who engage in moderate physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day) after losing weight are more likely to maintain a balance to the extent achieved.

Breakfast everyday

Those who take advantage of breakfast to eat healthy foods will not only be more energetic, but will have less tendency to succumb to the anxiety to eat between meals, which often leads to the consumption of unhealthy foods.

A breakfast rich in fiber, protein and antioxidant compounds contributes to good metabolic function. It also supports the digestion process and reduces the tendency to consume calorie-laden foods in later hours.

In order for you to easily reach and maintain your ideal weight, your diet should include:

  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Lean meats and eggs.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (and preferably seasonal).

Maintain the diet on the weekend

Eating healthy involves making an effort.

One of the habits that prevent you from maintaining your ideal weight is eating healthy Monday through Friday and “cheating” on the weekends. This mentality makes you comment excesses and lose the progress that you have been able to achieve in the week.

This study from Brown Medical School ensures that those who follow a consistent eating pattern throughout the week are more likely to maintain long-term weight loss than those who only maintain good habits for a few specific days. Therefore, it is best to look for healthy alternatives to eat healthy, even when leaving home.

Drinking water

Drinking water and healthy drinks is essential to maintain an ideal weight. First of all, it helps to prolong the feeling of satiety and favors the control of the daily intake of calories. On the other hand, this habit is key to the optimal functioning of the entire organism.

Sleep well

Although many people ignore it, getting a good night’s sleep contributes significantly to body weight control. In fact, lack of sleep is a factor that affects being overweight in adults. This is because inadequate sleep increases the levels of ghrelin, also called the “hunger hormone.” This is stated in this study carried out by the University of California.

Also, poor sleep leads to lower levels of leptin, a hormone necessary for appetite control. In general, it is recommended to have a sleep period of 7 or 8 hours a day, without interruptions.

Give good stress management

manage stress to maintain your ideal weight

People who do not control their stress tend to gain more weight, according to this study from the University Medical Center in Rotterdam. This is because stress increases the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that contributes to weight regain. Those who are constantly stressed tend to accumulate more abdominal fat. In addition, the emotional state is also a trigger for compulsive eating.

Therefore, it is recommended to reduce exposure to stressful situations and practice relaxation habits, such as yoga. Meditation, breathing exercises, and short walks outside can also help manage it.

Have you just reached your ideal weight and want to maintain it? Put these tips into practice and you will see good results. Of course, do not hesitate to follow the recommendations of your doctor and nutritionist.

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